European Union falling apart ?

Yes thanks EU.

Oh wait the 22.37 % Unemployment was only 3 years ago :smirk:

What do you expect when you decide to leave any club and stop contributing ?
Free stuff?
Same membership conditions ?
Pat on the back?

You remember this Iā€™m sure.

'membership has its privileges '.

Mostly countries are preoccupied with their own internal affairs , most Europeans already forgot about Brexit. Only British and Irish and EU citizens living in UK and vice versa really care at this stage.

Thereā€™s all kinds of easier deals May could have gone for, membership of single market, customs union, EEAā€¦But no she had to declare article 50 , withdraw from everything and screw it all up.
Made a total hames of it. Selling a dream that doesnā€™t exist.

That country youā€™re talking about has its problems. There are theories about why the crisis hit it so bad, including people speculating with stocks and making profit out of a crisis that itā€™s actually a scam, but well, this is a bit beyond the point. Nobody can tell how the the situation for that country would be being outside EU.

Exactly, why would it necessarily have been better outside of the EU?

Which is what the UK is grappling with now as the Brexiteers said there was great world of free trade just waiting to be grasped.

Then reality hits them smack in the face as they realise they are leaving the worlds greatest ever free trade area!

The things I posted are news, you can find them on any news website, be it Reuters, Associated Press, Foxnews, CNN or whatever. Maybe not on thinkprogress dot org and similar things.

Oh yeah, British fishermen LOVED the free trade area generated by the Eu. Their situation is great. Never better.

Do you even read any of that stuff or just the headlines? Genuinely curious.

Cos you obviously didnā€™t read about or understand the single market for air travel.

Win some , lose some. Didnā€™t the same fishermen sell their licenses to overseas companies?

Besides thereā€™s a limit on fish stocks full stop. Doesnā€™t matter if thereā€™s no fish.

only wish you told the Remainers that/ Final decisionā€¦watch this to understand clearly . We voted out. Democratically. Are you against it just because you donā€™t agree?

At least Japan will be there in 5 Years time

I donā€™t care what the British want to do Iā€™m not British. Donā€™t give a fiddlers just donā€™t put a hard border on northern Ireland .

So people from countries that got a fuckton of free cash from the Eu are happy about the Eu, while people from countries who get fucked by tariffs/sanctions/regulations are not happy about the Eu.

Imagine my shock.

Wrong as usual. Germany and France being the most glaring examples.

You should care because the intransigence of the EU was partly to blame for the brexit vote. They gave Cameron zero. Same people , and IMO it is the start of the Fall of the EU. There is little doubt in my mind that it will collapse and there are many reasons why. Time will tell.

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The only examples haha and they are both under serious pressure right now

The way the media introduces / explains the news is usually far from good. And then you have those headlinesā€¦