Everything wrong with Taipei Times, in one article

More like mixing up Taipei and Tainan, or saying they are both “in the south.”

Now that I think about it, perhaps this may explain the stupidity at the Taipei Times. They are sitting somewhere in Taipei, and every point south of them is the “south Pacific.” :neutral_face:


I guess technically everything south of you in the Pacific would qualify :joy:

I have in this thread been quite critical of the Taipei Times. Yet I do also want to give them credit when credit is due, as I saw today—to my surprise—at a clothing shop in Xizhi:

Who knew that brandishing a copy of the Taipei Times would help make one a “Spring Hipster”? :rofl:



I thought that was pictures of different guys and girls until I looked closer.

I thought I was the only person who reads the Taipei Times, until I saw this display!
