Everything you wanted to know about the YouBike

So far I only ever see Youbike E-bike in Chiayi. They are 1.0. Never saw the 2.0E.

Not even in Linkou-Guishan where it is hilly, I could find any Youbike E-bike.

That’s because they did not exist. It’s a new addition to the youbike offerings, with Chiayi apparently announcing the ebike version in December 2021:



We have E-bike registry enforced because the number of SE Asian workers abuse this loophole to race on the sidewalk all over New Taipei and Taoyuan.

It is not that much different really. They are slower to rent. You need to push a button when you want to rent it. Then wait. Then swipe your easy card. Returning is equally slow, but you do not need to push a button.

Also, locking is weird and it took me a while to figure it out. You need to turn the wheel at a certain angle and you can push the lock into that. There is no key involved. Some people have posted that they were unable to unlock their Youbike 2.0 bike so be careful.

Youbike 2.0 bikes ride a little lighter in my experience.


I’d say using 2.0 versus 1.0 is a bit like using wifi versus plugged ethernet. The wifi appears to be more convenient, but it can also be a bit flaky, especially with the locking part. Bring back the key, please!



Will there be some kind of YouBike 1.0 funeral tomorrow? I will miss those sturdy little guys :broken_heart:

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Last weekend I tried a 2.0 for the very first time. I liked everything about it! The seat is so much easier to adjust than the 1.0, I like the bell better, and the lock system worked fine, although I now see how it could become a hassle. I expected there to be at least some negatives compared to the 1.0 that I’m so used to, but really there weren’t any.


I do not like the 2.0 ergonomics.

Besides what I posted last year I also realize more like

The handlebars are too low and stiff and compounds the jarring on to the upper body when you’re forced to lean over on them.

Low handlebars and leaning forwards puts more weight towards the front of the bike instead of the center or back of the bike. For me it translate into higher chance of losing control.

The smaller basket is too high throwing off the center of balance especially on the front of the bike.

Win a prize by taking a picture of yourself with the youbike sign in Xinyi, posting it on the youbike FB, leaving a comment and tagging a friend. I’ll do it as soon as the rain stops. :roll_eyes:

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Taiwanese ayis do the same! They think they own the bloody road (bike lane).

@tango42 I hate them. Youbike 1.0 is superior! unfortunately its something only fussy people will notice. I ride them everyday for around 20 mins so the difference is pretty obvious for me.

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Just happy I can fit my umbrella between the handlebars and basket. Such a simple thing, yet so satisfying


I would blame on the dude who brought Youbike 1.0 to Yushan peak a few years back as the culprit for this enforcement of Youbike 2.0 that depends on wifi.

Mind you, physically I look like a local Taiwanese, so never try this if look foreign.
A few days ago, after work around Songjiang Nanjing MRT, a local dude riding his Youbike from behind me towards where I am going, with ferocity, hitting the bells like no tomorrow asking pedestrians to move around.
I am walking, I could see from the corner of my eye, his approaching me. Intentionally, I did not move away and even ever slightly blocking his path causing him to must hit me. But, I make sure if there is a crash, it would get him worse. (Used to play football knows how to get checked)
He 50-50 avoid me and slightly hitting me by giving the handle bar hard left.
He was shocked and almost losing his balance.
It seems there are more and more people acting like this.
It was usually only some random weird ayi or old hobo, but now younger average Chen starts driving Youbike while thinking sidewalk as their birth right.

Was he in the bike lane or the pedestrian zone? If I was riding in the bike lane and some pedestrian is walking in the middle of it, I would ring the bell too (though not ringing it like there’s no tomorrow). But if he was in the pedestrian zone, then yeah, way to go, you taught him a lesson.


It was on the pedestrian area. Under the canopy of one of the skyscraper just outside Exit 7 of the Songjiang Nanjing MRT, going to Siping Street.

I think even in riverside bikeline, you -when biking- should prioritize pedestrians (people walk/jog). Don’t they have the sign “yield to pedestrians” everywhere?
Have had seen/experienced those daredevils cutting corners on 90 degrees turn and almost hitting people/other bikes from opposite direction that take corners properly.

Actually, have heard first hand, that someone injured himself while biking avoiding people suddenly blocking his way from corner and requiring surgery/hospitalization. So, there are occasions that cyclists going postal in sidewalk, there are occasions pedestrians doing a Brownian move in bikeline.

I have received my 6th message today on marketing and advertising from youbike what the f*** shut the f*** up.

And it isn’t necessary to send on a significant day of the year. And if it is important or necessary at least put it into one message.

I can’t turn notifications off because sometimes it’s important to receive a notification from youbike.

Is there a way to report parked scooters blocking youbike docks? In New Taipei.




Light them up and call the fire brigade?


Call 110 if the scooters are illegally parked.

Unless they’re double parked on the road there’s pretty much no way to report online, parking on a sidewalk is not reportable by the public (at the moment)!

I wonder when is opening day startup.