Everything you wanted to know about the YouBike

Taitung has 4 more stations added in the first week of the new year. When I was in Taitung a couple of weeks ago, despite the very few number of stations, I saw quite a few people riding around on YouBike! I rode around on them a bit too. Really fun!

Also I was mistaken in above where I said the electric pedal assist youbikes are free for 30min. during the promotion in Taitung. It’s actually 10NTD for first 30min. Regular YouBikes are free for first 30min.


Taitung YouBike with another 3 stations added. I have a few friends in Taitung and I showed them how it works last time I was there and they all give it a try. They are all super excited and hope a YouBike station will be installed near their homes soon so they can ride to work or get food on days with nice weather or go for a leisurely ride.