Expat bar?

yup, the bloke with the blue truck and his busy schedule! Heisho, heisho, otallah!

Stick to San Miquel


My wife and I will be in Taipei at the Grand Hyatt from Sep 12th-Sep 17th for a house hunting trip prior to our relocation. Are there any expat meetups planned or recomendations for expat bars for us to visit?

Also any recomendations for the Moon Festival?



My wife and I will be in Taipei at the Grand Hyatt from Sep 12th-Sep 17th for a house hunting trip prior to our relocation. Are there any expat meetups planned or recomendations for expat bars for us to visit?

Also any recomendations for the Moon Festival?


Hi Curt and Anna, and welcome to Forumosa and to Taiwan! :slight_smile:

I hope that your house hunting and relocation go smoothly. If you have a look at the index of forum areas, you’ll find that there’s one on “Restaurants, Bars, and Clubs in Taiwan”. So if you’re looking for an expat bar, that’s the place to look, and I’ll move this to that area for you. If you’re looking for meet-ups, I do also recommend the Evants forum and in it, the monthly Forumosa Happy Hour.

Again, welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

DB, Moderator

Hi Curt;

I’ve merged your post into an older thread. Some of the older info is still useful but some of it is outdated.

As for something close to expat bars, the closest one to the Hyatt is probably The Tavern Premier which is less than a ten minute walk from the Hyatt. A few others located a short cab ride away are Carnegie’s and the Brass Monkey. All of these three also serve food.

There is also The Speakeasy. Of course there are others.

If you have any specifics about what kind of place you are looking for, feel free to provide details. I’m sure we can give you more options.