It seems we (our forums) tripped a failsafe in the phpBB system – an error concerning too many sessions being opened. This resulted in Segue hogging up the MySQL database that this website is built on, keeping other websites that share the MySQL system from being able to access it.
The good news is that I’ve modified the software to automatically delete the olderest 50 sessions when the limit is next reached.
The bad news is that I am NOT certain if this is the real problem.
Our web host’s tech support people are monitoring the usage levels of our website especially closely these next few days. If things Segue is still hogging resources (e.g. my little fix is NOT the solution), they will pull the plug as soon as they can.
Perhaps the combination of all the new features that use MySQL (like Guanxi, Bank, F/X Shop, Bookmarks, and the ads) with a growing number of simultaneous members online has pushed us to the limit.
I’ll be thinking about a longer term solution if indeed this means we are outgrowing our current resources.
For now, please accept my apology for the sudden drop in the website, and look out for a choppy ride again (at least until I get back to Taiwan sometime next week - -where I can focus on this matter better)
Any financial advisers out there? Should I leave the guanxi in the bank, move it all into the Cricket world cup gambline thread or flog it off to anyone willing to give a good exchange in $NT?
Back already? That’s good news, well done Gus, and hi again everyone. I’d expected to be deprived of Segue until after this weekend at least, and had already begun the psychological preparation for dealing with the withdrawal symptoms. But my feelings are to some extent mixed. I got a lot of work done while Segue was down, and really need an enforced separation from this site to get everything done that needs to be done in the next few days. So I’ll just go have a quick peep at a few of the threads, and then log myself outta here.
You know that old behavioral modification theory on consistent consequences that says, “If a light bulb is broken, you’re only going to try the light a few times because the response is consistently that the light will turn on, but if you are playing a slot machine, the payout is random so that’s how people get addicted to them.” At least segue is consistent on being up so after two tries, I said a few choice words to myself and went to bed with no segue that night.
I for one will do my duty and try to break my addiction to segue and spend only 2 hours a week on here.
Is there a patch or inhaler I can get to help me through the other 166 hours? :shock:
your point is also well stated by the concept of buying in bulk for less money… I would prefer that the privileges were cheaper on this site… Other sites let you put up avatars for free…
OK, let’s hear it then – how much do you feel each Effect should be, and why?
Please bear in mind that the pricing should be high enough to discourage flippant changes, but low enough to be attainable by Segue regulars. The idea here is to encourage POSTING to the forum and “GOOD ACTS” that induce the “Guanxi wealthy” regulars to share their G$ with you. The “prices” should be high enough that mindless, “me-too”, and “thank-you” posts will not be an easy way to accumulate G$.
I’m also open to changes in the G$ earned per reply and that earned per New Topic. There is a “G$ salary” mod under development, so we could actually “pay” those who are very interested in chipping in to some of the chores we have in cleaning and archiving the website. This would also be incentive to keep prices relatively high.
please remember, if you post prices without a reason, you will probably be ignored.[code]Buy Avatar Privilege 100
Buy Signature Privilege 30
Buy Title Privilege 30
Buy Color 100
Buy Glow 100
Buy Shadow 100
Buy Title Color 100
Buy Title Glow 100
Buy Title Shadow 100
Change Title 250
Change Username 1000
Change Users Title 600[/code]
Yes, it looks like I am the first to get in after a long Segue holiday.
What are we going to get back?
I had a lot of $G stashed in the Guanxi bank - has the bank collapsed and I have lost everything?
I am back to Gravel Truck Driver instead of Supreme Commander?
It doesn’t really matter - as long as Segue has all the usually fun people getting in on the action. Last time Spack and Jeepers left us - Who will be gone this time?
I’m still not back in Taiwan – so I can’t focus on re-installing everything yet. Expect to see things slowly return over the next few weeks
As far as I can tell, the G$ accounts and other features are stored in the database tables, but are simply inaccessible. I fully agree with your sentiments, though, that what makes this website special is the crowd that visits it, and not the software itself
It must have been one of those mods that got all freaky deeky. I say just slowly build up. I think switching webhosts should also be considered. I remember emailing your host and they didn’t give me a very friendly reply (that doesn’t really mean anything though). is what I’m currently using and they seem really good, but I don’t know what kind of usage needs you require (bandwidth, disk space, etc.).
I’d be willing to get some files all modded up for you if you needed the help.
I noticed that if you type into the browser window, you still get the “site down” message. That can’t be good for a lot of people, or is this current site just for testing or what?
Frankly, I couldn’t care less about all the bells and whistles. You notice that since the last ‘upgrade’ I have not ‘bought’ my avatar back or moved credit points anywhere.
For me this is a forum for discussions, not a Barbie doll to be dressed up in mood clothes and fashion accessories. If you pulled all the features it would make no difference to me, and probably many others too. If this would make the site stabler and easier for the administrator, do it.
[By the way, I had to torture one of the moderators to get access to this site. Anyone interested in a used set of kneecaps?]
Couldn’t agree more. Wouldn’t things be far simpler and more stable if we ditched all that guanxi, avatar nonsense?[/quote]
I third that. But there are a lot of other mods that are cool and worth having (I think), like statistics, quick reply, 24 hour visitor list, etc.
Sure there are. But having a coloured name, etc., is just a waste of time, IMO. Actually, the only function I use is the “posts since last visit” and I would hate to see that one go.
[quote=“wolf_reinhold”]Frankly, I couldn’t care less about all the bells and whistles. You notice that since the last ‘upgrade’ I have not ‘bought’ my avatar back or moved credit points anywhere.
For me this is a forum for discussions, not a Barbie doll to be dressed up in mood clothes and fashion accessories. If you pulled all the features it would make no difference to me, and probably many others too. If this would make the site stabler and easier for the administrator, do it.[/quote]
I agree totally. All these G$ and buying priveliges is unnecessary. You just need to be able to register a handle and post. I think segue is one of the best bulletin boards I have come across on the internet and that is because of the quality of the members and posts and nothing to do with the bells and whistles like G$.