I think that Kedge was worse than most…
The managing director had his head stuck up his arse, and did not know a hoot about international markets.
The product was semi-decent, but could do with a better QC and much lower prices.
The management of the company maintained that all competitors were idiots and easy to trounce, we were up against the Italians, who are good businessmen, and who had brand names, experience, competitive pricing (for some), and a very strong reputation going for them.
The Managing Director managed by abuse, pressure, blaming everybody else, and evading responsibility in general. This lead to a brain-drain on a massive scale. The research department had 2 complete exchanges of personnel in the 8 months I was there. While this might be less of a concern, if they could get qualified personnel, the sad fact was that espresso machines and the knowledge you need to have to do a decent job in putting them together is something new here, and it takes some time for the engineering/research staff to put this knowledge together. By the time they were up to scratch, the Managing Director god rid of them by pressuring them out.
Brain drain… Apart from my assistants, there was also a constant makeover in every other department. when I left, there were 3 other employees, who’d stayed longer than me. I worked there for a bit more than 8 months, btw.
constantly being questioned in everything you did. When the customers said that your machine looked nice, but they could get a comparable Italian machine for a lower price, then the pricing would not be an issue with the management. The ability of the sales staff would. Oftentimes, you would have to suffer through having every email and note read thru by people unable to understand English. they would then question if you had scared the customer away. The conclusion was always the same: you were at fault, the company, the strategy, the quality, and the boss weren’t.
In other words, avoid Kedge Co., unless you get a kick out of constant suffering.