Facebook- why did it grow so fast?

Well if they just import contacts that’s fine. If they just send an e-mail that’s fine too. But I feel they record all your contacts or at least the contacts in the e-mail you send on signing up so they can match them back with other people who sign up, I think this is one of the ways they suggest ‘you may know this guy’. Originally you didn’t have to go to Yahoo, Google etc. to do this function, it searched through all of them, now it makes you sign in from the home pages (got some people complained about this or didn’t feel comfortable).
It’s kind of a powerful thing that they have everybody’s passwords!
Facebook is not the worst one for this.

Facebook was very slow to change it’s site into Chinese, I was surprised about that…it seemed to do most other things right though. MySpace was much bigger than Facebook for a long time but it really looks too cluttered and focused on teenagers, now a lot of people are migrating to Facebook. There are only so many ‘social networks’ somebody can belong to I guess.

Shit! That’s spam? I was feeling quite good about myself over that. You just ruined my day! :fume:

Shit! That’s spam? I was feeling quite good about myself over that. You just ruined my day! :fume:[/quote]
In your case it may be true, but not in mine.

They also try to hypnotize you with the flashing lights.

Shit! That’s spam? I was feeling quite good about myself over that. You just ruined my day! :fume:[/quote]
In your case it may be true, but not in mine.

They also try to hypnotize you with the flashing lights.[/quote]
Nah, mate. I suspect it’s just the flashing lights. But I guess they have to pay for the space somehow.

I just hate tricky and deceptive advertising. Here’s a video about that.

I will say this though. I’ve had a very positive experience using Facebook, as it’s brought me into contact with people I had lost contact with from Uni and even high school. It’s also made it extremely convenient to keep in contact with family and to see pictures of things I’ve missed back home etc.

Facebook, like flickr, now allows you to claim a url with your name/online identity. So now I’ve got www.facebook.com/maoman! :slight_smile:

How much money does Facebook actually make in profit? One billion dollars is a huge amount of money. This is what I don’t get about people: one billion dollars is more than enough money for anyone. Even if the government had stolen 50% of that, he’d still have been left with $500,000,000. That’s eight fucking noughts! Then, even if he had invested that and only got 1% above government theft (inflation and taxation), he’d still have been pulling $5,000,000/year, which is one hundred times what the average person gets in a year. Jesus! What do these people want?


I think I posted this before.

Anyway, as said by others in the thread; it beats emailing my photos, if you turn off the notifications.

This guy didn’t understand that Facebook had actually harvested all his contacts personal details.
Oh well. People understand now.

No, the recent breach was the sharing of people’s Facebook friends’ data with third parties. Different thing.

Of course there are still people who are shocked that Facebook stores the data that they agree it can store. Half the recent outrage seems to be about the nature of ad-supported social media in general.

I’m talking about when you said you let Facebook look through all your yahoo contacts.
Actually they were storing all your contacts info no matter if they were on Facebook or not.

Yes, after you consent to uploading your contact data, it uploads your contact data.

You mean it steals the personal contact data of your friends and acquaintances to sell to advertisers under the pretence of using it for another purpose .

I guess on FB you can choose your friends ( allegedly)

There I was explaining that 12tpi, thread per inch, is the UNF standard however 14tpi is far more common in actual use…and my next topic was…


They’ve been doing this since the start.
Always a company that pushed over the red line.

They always reached into your email and grabbed what they can and NOT so that you can send them a message to easily add them on Facdbook like they claim. Nope they are collecting info on your contacts . Their name, email address, maybe phone number, whatever else you have about them in there, storing it whether they are even on Facebook or not.

BBC News - Facebook copied email contacts of 1.5 million users

Don’t be too surprised if the 2050 Census is conducted via Facebook… lol.