Faking a cooperative - Taiwan business structure

My question revolves business structure. My understanding is that a true cooperative business structure does not exist in Taiwan. However, is it possible to fake such a business structure by setting up your company legally as another entity (ie. company limited by shares) and achieve the same basic business framework? I’ve been trying to find a copy of Taiwan’s Company Law online to assist me here in answering such a question (and others) but to no avail. As a side note, does anyone know where to find a copy (preferably in English but Chinese also OK)?

Hope someone can provide knowledge. Many thanks.

for anyone interested, Taiwan’s Company Law (in English) and many others can be found at eng.selaw.com.tw/newlevel.asp

Taiwan has a cooperative business structure, but it’s limited to 11 business by Cooperative Law.
And what’s the benefit to fake a cooperative?