Falun Dafa is good

Lol, I missed that. It seems to be a generic subtitle for all his blog articles. He says this in this article “I have published fiction on this blog but want to clarify that this particular article is completely true, except for the names of people which I’ve removed.”

I’m not a practitioner of Falun gong, and I believe CCP members actually seemed to support it in the past. It’s only when they saw that the membership of Falun gong became very large that they banned it as they saw it as a threat to undermine the party’s teachings. I don’t want to have a philosophical debate on what I think about Falun gong, but I do believe in the freedom of religion with certain exceptions for obvious extremes like hurting others.

I do like that they counter protest all the pro PRC/CCP protests in taiwan.

after reading that article theres not a lot to think. just another cultish religion like Scientology ect.

“If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.” --Churchill

Oh, I missed that he wrote that this article is completely true. All clear now. :slight_smile:

Did I miss anything, recently?:thinking:

Not really, but there was this:


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I had hours of entertaining discourse on this topic:face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Only stopped when my Spoon collection started mysteriously bending.:thinking:


Now you are trolling me TG :joy:Not this thread :disappointed_relieved:

Falun Dafa never gets old

Shen Yun vs Riverdance vs Kenny G

tough one for gig you’d have to pay me the largest sum of money to attend

Maybe if Shen Yun and Riverdance played the sax and Kenny G did the dancing? I’d watch that.

This is fascinating. I felt exactly as she described about it. Like I see the ad seemingly everywhere and nowhere and I’m not sure it’s even real. It’s the most mysterious, eerie thing. Now that I know what it’s about, it’s even weirder.

Fantastic article. I forgot that some people in this day and age can actually write, and show the two sides of an issue while still utilizing quality prose.

I thought the same!

Whenever I see those people (often older ladies) sitting at places like Taipei 101 in the rain, in the cold, doing whatever they do, I feel really sorry for them. Maybe they get enlightenment out of it, I don’t know. Feels like they are misguided. Doesn’t look they are happy or in high spirits.