In the interests of adopting MT’s approach, I have decided to post a new thread expressing my concern for the innocents killed by Muslim and Arab terrorists around the world and in solidarity with them, I think we should all take a brief moment to light a candle and say a silent prayer. Right MT?
Now Tigerman,
This has got to be one for the flounder forum.
Surely 16 exclaimation marks in the topic is breaking some rule ? :moo:
How is my thread different from the one started by MT? We are both calling for sympathy for the plight of innocent victims. Surely that is acceptable? Have you heard any calls for Die!!! Children!! Die Die Die to be removed? No. Why not? Until then. Light that candle, make it a big one and guess what you can do with it.
[quote=“fred smith”]Fox:
How is my thread different from the one started by MT? We are both calling for sympathy for the plight of innocent victims. Surely that is acceptable? Have you heard any calls for Die!!! Children!! Die Die Die to be removed? No. Why not? Until then. Light that candle, make it a big one and guess what you can do with it.[/quote]That one only has 3 exclaimation marks, which is within the limit :cluck:
Well if maoman couldn’t get it with MT’s, God knows what he’ll make of this.
In solidarity with the innocent victims of the sniper Malvo, I would like to point out some of the exhibits that have been entered in as evidence of his fanatical Muslim attacks on innocent victims in the Maryland, DC and Virginia area. Unfortunately, more than six children died. Let’s light a candle and pray for the victims. I am sure that MT will want to organize a march.
Exhibit 65_056: A self portrait of Malvo as sniper, lying in wait, with his rifle. “JIHAD” written in bold letters.
Exhibit 65_057: A drawing of the Twin Towers burning with a plane flying toward the buildings. Captions: “JIHAD ISLAM UNITE RISE!” along with “America did this” and “You were warned.” Portrait of Malvo as sniper labeled “Believer” and portrait of Osama bin Laden labeled “prophet.” A poem: “Our minarets are our bayonets, Our mosques are our baracks (sic), Our believers are our soldiers.” The American flag and the Star of David drawn in cross hairs.
Exhibit 65_067:. A suicide bomber labeled “Hamas” walking into a McDonald’s restaurant. Another drawing of the Twin Towers burning captioned: “85 percent chance Zionists did this.” More scrawls: “ALLAH AKBAR,” “JIHAD,” and “Islam will explode.”
Exhibit 65_103: A lion accompanies chapter and verse from the Koran (“Sura 2:190”): “Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you and slay them whoever ye catch them.”
Exhibit 65_109: Portrait of Osama bin Laden, captioned “Servant of Allah.”
Exhibit 65_117: The White House drawn in crosshairs, surrounded by missiles, with a warning: “Sep. 11 we will ensure will look like a picnic to you” and “you will bleed to death little by little.”
Exhibit 65_133: Reference to “Islamic counter attack force.ICAF.”
Exhibit 65_114: Self-portrait of Malvo as sniper. Rant says “they all died and they all deserved it.”
Exhibit 65_101: Malvo’s thought for the day: “Islam the only true guidance, the way of peace.”
Ten Americans were murdered at the hands of the Beltway-area snipers. Malvo’s lawyers say he was insane and “brainwashed.” No more so than your average madrassa student in Jeddah or America-hating cave dweller in Tora Bora. Malvo is, in his own words, a “believer” of Allah and a “soldier” for “JIHAD.”
No empathy for his victims either Fred?
Must everything be a political game of us against them?
My point has always been that such anti-Americanism is wrong given the greater evils existing in the world. This is not to deny that bad things have happened, but again, what’s the point of bringing up the deaths of six children? Do you think that the US targeted them intentionally? Do you think that the US should leave Afghanistan? Do you think that Afghan children will have safer, happier lives without the US presence? What?
Fred, you’re so this morning.