Of course you wouldn’t recognize the leader of the past ten years of America’s largest trading partner. Why would you? After all, you’re
, and he’s
I hope Paul Martin can do a better job…
Congrats Quirky - with that simple ‘Huh?’ you’ve won yourself a coveted place in the Braintrust.
Of course you wouldn’t recognize the leader of the past ten years of America’s largest trading partner. Why would you? After all, you’re
, and he’s
. [/quote]
I wouldn’t call our former PM a leader and am not suprised that he is not recognized. He was a drab boring leader. Makes me pine for the days of Trudeau when we had an intellectual, erudite, and flamboyant leader at the helm. Martin won’t be better. Regardless of left or right, our national character is boring. Trudeau was right when he said most politicians in the country are “nobodies outside of Parliament hill.”
Canada is a great country - shame about its people.(well, most of them at least). As long as the beer is cheap and the hockey game is on, they are an apathetic crowd.
(European and Asian Emigre)
i think i stopped caring after being subjected to the likes of vanderzalm and campbell.
Does anyone who isn’t Canadian know or care about the prime minister of Canada? I mean, none of you proud Canadians berating Quirky for his ignorance would be able to recognize the prime minister of New Zealand if you saw her walking down the street.
Nice photo shop work. Shoulda, however, put a joint in the mouth of the ex-leader on the right side of that photo.
[quote=“mod lang”]I mean, none of you proud Canadians berating Quirky for his ignorance would be able to recognize the prime minister of New Zealand if you saw her walking down the street.[/quote]We would if New Zealand were our next-door neighbour, or if New Zealand were our largest trading partner.
Indifference hurts worse than hate, doesn’t it?
[quote]Does anyone who isn’t Canadian know or care about the prime minister of Canada? I mean, none of you proud Canadians berating Quirky for his ignorance would be able to recognize the prime minister of New Zealand if you saw her walking down the street.
On the contrary,
Since she did those episodes on the dicouvery channel I think she is one of the more recognizable political figures outside the political mainstream.
Heck, when Jr. takes people on a tour of Texas he doesn’t even get out of his golf cart.
This lady climbs mountains and sleeps in the open forest.
Of course we in the United States have some truly remarkable country as well the only problem is our appointed leader seems more bent on destroying it than appreciating it.
True story: Back in my sorry newspaper days, I wrote a photo caption that included a photo of the Canadian PM with other world leaders. The photo caption itself from Associated Press read, “the man at the left is unidentified.” I had no idea what Chretian looked like and wrote just that. The next day in came TONs of letters from uppity Canadians, with things like, “You owe the prime minister and people of Canada an apology, blah blah blah”.
Hey, just remember what Orson Welles said comparing Italy and Switzerland in The Third Man.
[quote]``You know what the fellow said: In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love–they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.’’
Canada is a nice, peaceful country that happens to be uninteresting. America is not a nice or peaceful country but it’s interesting. You takes your choices.
That is pathetic.
Also had no idea how to spell his name. Ignorance isn’t a virtue. Especially in the newspaper profession.
BTW, is this the picture?
A Thaw In Canada - US Ties
[quote]A new prime minister is always a good excuse for Canadians to reaffirm their national identity as distinct from the giant, overbearing neighbor to their south.
[quote=“tigerman”]A Thaw In Canada - US Ties
[quote]A new prime minister is always a good excuse for Canadians to reaffirm their national identity as distinct from the giant, overbearing neighbor to their south.[/quote][/quote]
What, pray tell, does this have to do with the topic at hand?
Tigerman didn’t get to where he is today by only sticking straight to the topic, porcelaingenderbender (it’s only today that I saw that you were not a princess, but a man).
[quote=“porcelainprincess”][quote=“tigerman”]A Thaw In Canada - US Ties
[quote]A new prime minister is always a good excuse for Canadians to reaffirm their national identity as distinct from the giant, overbearing neighbor to their south.[/quote][/quote]
What, pray tell, does this have to do with the topic at hand?[/quote]
Uh, the topic at hand is the various prime ministers of Canada, including the new one, and how many Americans don’t even know who they are.
The article I linked to discusses the new Canadian Prime Minister’s first meeting with the US President.
I think that is pretty much on-topic.