Filming Traffic Violations

Look folks, there’s no need to worry, the monks have the situation under control. … 2003581147

Hmm, I had no idea one would retire from a post as head monk due to age.

Sent from my fingers using the internet.


lol coned


Lots of idiots on the road!

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park on the side of the road, open the door without looking. 100% normal here.

I’ve just been hit with a ticket. 600 dollars. I thought they could only fine you if you are not in the car. The pic is from the back and my lights are on.

I stopped within 10 meters of a junction apparently. I was only there two mins picking up someone and someone got me.

So what’s the thing now, can you or can you not take pictures of violations and get them fined?

Seems like in certain circumstances, yes.

I got a ticket this week for changing lanes on my scooter without indicating, ridiculously. The attached photos seemed to be from a webcam. I wonder if they had to provide the whole video to prove the light wasn’t blinking.

Perhaps related, I’ve started noticing a lot of scooters indicating their lane changes. Maybe the fine got bumped up?


I got one of those too. I could have contested and sorry I didn’t. I did pay the fine on time.

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it already is a system. they even started the snitch bride before which folks have said here has now stopped.

I am convinced the best way is to start an anonymous website with a basic level human screening, to out asshole behaviour. has to be overseas, for obvious reasons. the only hitch is how to get the human screening without a budget. people here are pissed their children, parents, siblings and friends are getting legally killed, but not enough to volunteer time to fix things. what is the right move?

my only answer is via teaching children properly and also embarrassing adults properly. nothing makes one change faster than palublic loss of face (not shaming, very different)

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Were they wrong? If not, did you change the habit? And, seemingly already answered, di the general environment change their habits?

What the fuck is that? Your soon-to-be wife rats you out to the cops for traffic violations?

paying people to snitch on the public. aka, Singapore style :kissing_heart:

No idea. I sometimes indicate lane changes, sometimes don’t, depending on the situation. I guess I’ll be more likely to do it in future, but I don’t think constantly indicating as I weave my way through traffic actually makes anyone safer.

Personally I’d contest tickets that seem bogus like a picture of a car stopped with lights on since the picture does not prove the car was parked. Unless they have a few pictures showing various timestamps, anyone could just take a picture of any stopped car and send it in.

Same with the scooter lane change, nobody is going to signal every two seconds as they go through traffic on a scooter.

From experience you won’t win but I make them work for their $600.

I agree, because constantly weaving through traffic is also dangerous. probably should have gotten 2 tickets :slight_smile:

this is the problem. everyone thinks they are innocent. rarely is that the case. a big issue I find with the government rules and infrastructure is actually designed to get people killed and.injured. this is a serious problem to tackle before they can have the right to point fingers at the populations general pack of safe driving ability. but 2 wrongs rarely make a.right.

we it sometimes, but we all should stop doing it…

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I am thinking that anytime you overtake a vehicle you are supposed to signal.

I weaved around a car even though I never left my lane. Because I overtook the car I’m guessing I was supposed to signal.

You could never weave like this where I’m from in the USA without getting plenty of tickets signalling or not. Same with stop signs. You get a ticket for not coming to a full stop at every stop sign.

I’m using my signal all the time now. There are plenty of car and scooter drivers that really anger me when they don’t signal. I’m always complaining to my wife about using the signals when she’s driving the car.

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Shrug Driving is a complex art, and I try to strike a balance between safety and efficiency. In Taipei most roads have no scooter lane (and if they do it’s full of illegally parked cars), and the car traffic averages like 20kph when it’s moving at all. So I filter and I weave, and I do my mirror and shoulder checks and don’t force anyone else to react to me.

I think the best way to improve road safety would be to improve efficiency. We could start by just straight up banning cars with one person in them from the city roads. Then all of us on our little scooters could cruise around in an orderly fashion!

Incidentally, the photos on my ticket show me about fifty yards ahead of the car filming me, on an otherwise completely empty bridge at night. I wasn’t even weaving, I was just changing lanes to prepare for a turn-off ahead.