Finance/Excel Question

Hi, does anyone know how to calculate Retained Earnings? Given a basic income statement and balance sheet.

This is for an online class…unfortunately the online discussions are not very active. Can someone help or point me out to a Financial Analysis or Microsoft Excel forum? I didn’t find any good ones.


Net income - Dividends paid = Retained Earnings

Well,I am just starting to learn accoutings and Financial courses.
I have question here But My English is bad.
Please allow me use some Chinese here.

Net income - Dividends paid = Retained Earnings
Should we have to notice if it’s earnmarked to retain surplus(指撥保留盈餘)?


Seems to be good populated, I’ve got some answers there already.

cool cool, but what exactly constitutes “dividends paid”? I can find net income easily on my income statement, but how do I calculate dividends paid?

Sorry guys i’m a noob. I guess i’ll check out that excel forum.

[quote=“aceman”]cool cool, but what exactly constitutes “dividends paid”? I can find net income easily on my income statement, but how do I calculate dividends paid?

Sorry guys I’m a noob. I guess I’ll check out that excel forum.[/quote]

There is no set answer re: where to find ‘dividends paid.’ Different countries/companies can name or report this differently under different accounting rules.

Generally you just need to find out whether the company declared a dividend for the period. If not, net earnings = retained earnings. If they did, typically they report dividend/share. Multiply div/share by shares outstanding to arrive at the cash dividends the company has committed to pay shareholders. Then net earings - dividends = retained earnings.

This is very general. Accounting rules can be quite esoteric. Anything more complicated doesn’t belong on a message board like this.

First person to mention “accrual” gets slapped. :noway:

How about declared? :smiley:

Retained earnings include appropriated retained earnings and restricted retained earnings.
A company may not declare the the net income=retained earnings.
But if the restricted retained earnings is necessary to keep in every term ?Or it just be kept when it needs?
Well,My English is bad .But I tried my best to express my question here. :blush: