Financial Chinese Question

My vocabulary in financial- and legal-related matters isn’t that strong, so I’m hoping someone can help me out with a few terms:

(股票) 出脫



Long time no see, LittleBuddhaTW! Thought you’d disappeared off the face of the earth!

金檢 - well, there’s a 金檢局: Bureau of Financial Investigation

出脫 sell (in its entirety); completely sell off

案外案 - during the investigation of a case, if you uncover another case that needs investigation, this is an 案外案 (don’t know the standard English term - perhaps “secondary case”?)

司法官訓練所 Training Institute for Judges and Prosecutors (it’s a branch of the Ministry of Justice)

What is the context for 旗下? It can refer to the personnel or resources under someone’s management (or command, if in the military - in the old days each division carried a flag, and the personnel and assets therein were “under the flag”).

I’m still here … not in Taiwan, but alive! :wink: I’m back in the States now.


That’s an example of how it’s used. It’s from some kind of scandal in 2004 involving 張平沼 and 中興 bank, regarding insider trading. Perhaps someone remembers it …


That’s an example of how it’s used. It’s from some kind of scandal in 2004 involving 張平沼 and 中興 bank, regarding insider trading. Perhaps someone remembers it …[/quote]

Yes, it would be “under (somebody’s) control”.

A couple more …





Thanks! =)

質押 -Items that are pawned

跳票 -Bounced check

交叉持股 -owning related shares in each other

證期會 -(Quarterly/Yearly) shareholder’s meeting