Finding a job as a citizen of Taiwan compared to other countries

How easy or fast to find a job in taiwan as a citizen’s comparing to other countries?

comparing to find a job in other countries as a foreigner? Or comparing to find a job in other countries as a citizen?

Easy to find a job, less so with poor Chinese/Taiwanese . The wages may not a high as good as other countries in EU/East Asia/AU/NZ/USA is the downside.

Tando as a citizen

Depends on which industry.


Getting a permanent government job is almost impossible unless you are a citizen.

Instead of a constant barrage of vague questions, why not just head over here and do some job hunting? What have you got to lose?


and which other country.

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or search one of the main job websites or even post a resume

if you look for general information, this may help somehow.

Does finding a job as a citizen include getting a citizenship?

Obviously it depends a lot on the country you compare to, but generally, Taiwan is super easy to get a job in,

Perhaps someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but unemployment is around 3%, compared to e.g. Northern Europe where it’s around 10%

Just go low enough for you asking salary and someone will give you a monkey job(something which is not available to non citizen as it normally/leaving aside people married to locals doesn’t qualify you for visa)

the OP and the title “Finding a job in Taiwan as a citizen compared to people from other countries” are asking different things, iiuc.

Which one are you asking?

Sorry i mean as a taiwanese citizen looking for a job in taiwan …comparing other citizen looking for a job in there own country thats what i mean

then, I think you can guess something from unemployment rates of countries.

Oops! Wait what does that mean? What’s the point of this question? Are you trying to decide which country you should be a citizen of?

Are you Taiwanese, asking about other nationals in their country of residence? If that is the case, it depends by the country your asking like say Japan, for a Japanese person is easy find to a job vs. Spain where for locals (as well EU residents) it’s much harder. If your not Taiwanese , it would be nice to know where you live so we can make direct comparison.

I sincerely hope you don’t want to come here and teach English. :grin:

Nope im just asking and i want to explore my knowledge…

I think in any country whether you are a citizen or not, you can find a job. I know employers in Taiwan who will hire anybody willing to work hard but find it difficult to fill positions. I know employers in Canada in the same situation. If you are looking for work find a job for yourself and be unconcerned what anybody else is doing for employment, You’ll find work eventually.

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From what I’ve seen, it seems very easy for Taiwanese citizens to find a job in Taiwan compared to British people finding a job in the UK. Even fresh-faced graduates in Taiwan seem to be able to easily find a job, whereas in the UK it’s normal to be unemployed for months on end and battle for unpaid internships like your life depends on it.

But finding a decent job, on the other hand…

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