First impressions of Taiwan (25 word limit)

Motorcycles everywhere, on the pavements, on the streets, in big swarms in front of the red light …
rain, humidity, wet (November 1986);
yes, the bathroom tiles all over the buildings;
foodstalls everywhere
people entering elevators before those inside could get out - a completely alien concept to me before I got here.

matthewh wrote: "You didn’t say “YES!!!”

I did, and a rather plump middle-aged obasan came to my room, and I politely said I had a headache, no thanks tonight. Saved NT$3000 and a rather strange shag that was not meant to be.

3000 for an obasan sound kinda expensive…=)))

Cold Morning in Mid-November 1996:

Hot doujiang & danbing, city smells, streets full of surprises, relatively polite friendly people, Chinese language, as an East Asian Studies Graduate I thought it was the greatest!