First post of 2007


Let me be the VERY FIRST to post in this new year! :smiley:

[quote=“Dragonbones”]Let me be the VERY FIRST to post in this new year! :smiley:[/quote]Only by a few seconds though. At least I beat that Irish guy for once.

Happy 1665 !

Happy New Year. Isn’t Rasberri Absolut great?

Lotsa folk round mine taking pics of that huge erection. Me, I’m just getting pished.


I’m at work…

esp. with soda water

CC Lemon, m’dear.

Set fire to two chairs and a tree, drank half a bottle of vodka and agreed to let D*n teach me guitar. Not a bad day.

And by the way, if you live on HuLin Jie and there’s a lamb chop on your car, and maybe a small dent cos it fell a long way, that was me. Could have happened to anybody. PIESAY PIESAY.

Now I will retire.