I have a five year old son who is just recently, last week or so, having intense bouts of rage and extreme mood swings.
This is not like him at all. So far for his entire life, he’s been a very laid back kid with lotts of personality. He is having more and more intense mood swings lately, but they seem to be getting worse.
I left his father for hitting me. He was this and remembers it. He was a little over two at the time. He hasn’t seen his father in almost three years now. Right now, he’s in his room sounding so much like his father that it’s unreal. He is going on and on about how terrible I am because I made him leave his friend’s house and didn’t buy him any shoes today.
His father is Bi-polar and I’m terrified that my son will end up with the same dis-order. Especially when he acts this way.
And his father would just go on and on and on about all the injustices in his life and how I was the cause of them all. He mad no rational sense and said he had no controle over his emotions. Even times when he later would say that he knew he was wrong, even while he was saying it, he just could not help it because that’s how he felt. And since that was the way he felt, I had no right to have any sort of problem with his behavior. He could cry on the bathroom floor for hours, then get up and laugh like it was all a big joke, then get angry at me because I wasn’t just as thrilled as he was, then get angry again when he felt sad and I didn’t want to coddle him. In this moment, my son is so much like this!!
And two days ago, he got very angry with me. He could not, and still cannot, tell me why he was angry. But he was so angry that he tried to hit me and intended to hurt me. This is something that I know he knows is wrong because he still talkes about his father doing it from time to time.
I don’t know what to think. He’s been under a lot of stresses that he isn’t normally. I’ve gone back to school and I work at home. My work schedule means that I can’t pick him up from school, so he just doesn’t go on days that I work, because I don’t have anyone else who can pick him up. I’ve even tried to hire someone, but can’t find anyone. So he doesn’t attend pre-school regularly. This is only until the end of term. Next school year, he’ll be in Kindy and right beside our home. I could pick him up, or I may have a full time teaching job then, and will be able to pick him up, anyway. So he stays with me while I work, and when I’m not working, I’m still on computer because most of my course work this semester is online. He feels neglected and lonely a lot. I think this may be part of why he’s so angry. I’ve tried to talk to him about this.
I know he understands that I have to work and that I have to study, but he’s a five year old child who needs his mom more than she can be there for him. I don’t know what the answer is. Maybe this unmet need is where the anger is comming from? Still, I’d think a five year old would not usually keep on and on about things and say more and more hurtful things just stiring himself up. But maybe one would. This is the first five year old I’ve ever had.
I do try to make special time for him whenever I’m free. I don’t date or do anything that doesn’t include him, other than shower! I simply have very little down time. We cuddle each night and sleep together. Usually, we read and talk about our day, and go over any plans for the next day. This is very important time for me, as it’s some of the only time I get to focus on my son.
So, anyone have any other ideas? Is his behavior normal? Do I have a real cause to worry about him? How do I give him time that I don’t have? And cleaning was one thing that I used to try to include him in, like a family activity, but I’m so bussy now that I almost never clean anything!! I need some ideas and some assurances, or advice!
Edit: We’ve spoken since I posted this. And I want to add that his rage is turned more inward. He’s not screaming and throwing things, just seething and striking out at me.
Anyway, it seems that he IS indeed very angry at me for not having time for him like I did before starting school. The only thing I can think of is to keep reminding him of the eventual good things that will happen in his life when mom is finished with her education. But reasoning like this really is not appropriate because he’s five. It just doesn’t mean a lot to him. He knows, clearly, that his mom is not spending the time with him, or doing things with him, as much as she used to. This breaks my hear to pieces. How can I help him understand this? How can I be there for him more than I am?
But the thing that causes me the most alarm, because his feelings are truthful and very natural–I don’t have a lot of time. I care for his basic needs and keep him safe, clean, and fed, but we don’t have a lot of fun interaction lately–and I happen to miss it as much as he does–is the swiftness with which his emotions come and go.
He got angry at his friend’s mother because he told her to bring him a drink and expected her to obey. When she said to get it himself (it was sitting on a table about three steps away from him), he told his friend to. When his friend did not, he was angrier still. When I made him leave his friend’s house before either of them and done what he wanted, he was angry at me. Then he just ranted and ranted on and on about how bad a mother I am. Then, when he’d gotten himself under controle some, he came and talked to me about his feelings. Inside of 10 minutes and he was laughing and playing and wanted nothing more to do with me because he wanted to go watch t.v. and play with his cars. The world is great again. Is that normal? It doesn’t seem normal and it’s not normal for him.
I do not want to take him to the dr. because I believe he might be quickly laybled and put on drugs. I know drugs can be wonderful, but I believe that in a child they can also do as much harm as good.
Really, if you have any advice or thoughts, I’d appriciate them. The decision to post this wasn’t made in haste.