Flashed by avatars

There was a bouncy avatar in Vroom Vroom that made it difficult for me to read threads with kids walking around me at work. So I vote for keeping the avatars fairly clean.

But there’s got to be a few people that entered this bouncy boob thread looking for cheap thrills…and Mordeth is here to give you them.

Don’t worry Imaniou, I’ve got some for the ladies as well.

Hang on a sec! What’s this “work-friendly” excuse for more rampant censorship?

Shouldn’t people in the workplace be, um, working, rather than browsing Forumosa?

Just pulling your ti…, er, leg. Bouncy-avatar withdrawal. Carry on.

Geez, all it took was one mention of Brad’s bouncing bits to get the boobies nixed. Brad is a powerful man! Ah well. I guess that means that Brad will only be exposing his bits to Angelina. Sorry guys :frowning:

Hmm, I’ve seen it said in this thread that it will stop. And I was personally told that the bouncy avatar guy would be asked to remove it about a week ago. But it’s still there: forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopic.php?t=50108


bring back boobies bring back boobies bring back boobies bring back boobies bring back boobies bring back boobies bring back boobies bring back boobies

but that’s just one opinion

[quote=“R. Daneel Olivaw”]
Now, as for the objectification of women, well… I think that’s something that can’t really be fixed. Women are the objects of men’s desire, whether that desire is civilized or not. Men will at times focus on that and not think of women as people, but rather objects of desire.[/quote] Lust is no stranger to anyone. But there is a difference in being the object of desire and an object for one’s desire.

Women should, of course, demand treatment on a basis of their merit as people. But I think it would be wisdom for the ladies to realize that men will at times not be able to see past a woman’s sex appeal and not take it as an affront to themselves-- more just a statement on men’s frequent shallowness.[/quote] Why should I have to demand anything from a group of GROWN men :slight_smile: ? You guys don’t want us nagging you about picking up the socks and taking out the garbage, but I should demand you treat me as human being and respect my sexual boundries. :idunno: That’s poetic but a bit controlling IMO.

Most of us do rise above it, but even the best of us will sink back down from time to time.[/quote] Don’t we all :laughing:

My name is smell the glove and I am addicted to boobies. It feels so good to get that off my chest. Wait I mean, oh never mind.

I just discovered, however, that there are boobies in places other than avatars, and I can do with them what I like in private. Mostly. Talk to y’all later.

I personally have no problem with the majority of the avatars I’ve seen lately. They haven’t been raunchy or pornographic. Who cares about a woman’s chest bouncing around under clothes? I think the NSFW argument is just a convenient cover for neopuritan prudishness.

If I had my own computer, I would post a picture of Church Lady wagging her finger at you. But you have to use your imagination. HEHEHEHE(and you could add bouncy boobies while she’s doing it so it’s not so prude.) :smiley:

The least we could do is have a thread for the collection of them. Sigh.

why do you think I read this all the way thru?

Hmm, time for a “Where Can I Find sexy avatars?” thread? :laughing:

So you have no problem with this being on your screen (below pic) while your 10-13 year old students are curiously peeking over your shoulder to see what you are looking at?

So you have no problem with this being on your screen (below pic) while your 10-13 year old students are curiously peeking over your shoulder to see what you are looking at?


No, I wouldn’t. If she were topless and/ or gesturing in a sexual way, maybe. By the time a kid is 13, they should have seen mom/auntie/big sister bounce a few times. The woman is clothed and doing exercise, fer Krissakes. I see nothing to shield a kid’s eyes from in that avatar. It’s not raunchy or pornographic. At most, it’s mildly suggestive.

IMO the avatar you had a couple days ago-- the one where the guy was doing jack-off and BJ gestures-- is something I wouldn’t want kids to see. It’s far more graphically suggestive and innappropriate for this site.

Hmm, time for a “Where Can I find sexy avatars?” thread? :laughing:[/quote]

To show that I’m not a prude…and that there’s a time and place for everything (well, mostly anything) here are some more for you:

And for the ladies…Jack Black,

So like I said…I’m not a prude. But I don’t feel that any of the above images should be in anyone’s avatars. But I feel here is a pretty safe place for them since it’s unlikely a young person would be on the 6th page of a thread about avatars…but then again even my own post would probably make this thread NSFW…even though there is no nudity in it (one pic is close to nudity…but no nipple).


So you have no problem with this being on your screen (below pic) while your 10-13 year old students are curiously peeking over your shoulder to see what you are looking at?


No, I wouldn’t. If she were topless and/ or gesturing in a sexual way, maybe. By the time a kid is 13, they should have seen mom/auntie/big sister bounce a few times. The woman is clothed and doing exercise, fer Krissakes. I see nothing to shield a kid’s eyes from in that avatar. It’s not raunchy or pornographic. At most, it’s mildly suggestive.

IMO the avatar you had a couple days ago-- the one where the guy was doing Jack-off and BJ gestures-- is something I wouldn’t want kids to see. It’s far more graphically suggestive and innappropriate for this site.[/quote]

Well if you have no problems with little kids looking at that…then let’s just say I’m glad you don’t teach at my school.

So a fully clothed man moving his hand up and down :wanker: is more offensive than a scantily clad GIRL being MADE to jump up and down to show off her large breasts for men to oogle at?!?!?

You don’t know me, mate. Don’t go there. I don’t think it wrong to let a kid see someone clothed and exercising. She’s not doing anything a kid’s big sister wouldn’t. But to counter: if you think your BJ, jack-off avatar is appropriate for your students to be viewing, I’m glad you don’t work with me. :smiley: If I have to explain to you how a sexually explicit gesture is much more troubling than the sight of a clothed woman’s body exercising, well, I’ll just repeat it’s good I don’t work with you.

BTW, I never view Forumosa from work, anyway.


The woman is clothed and doing exercise, fer Krissakes. I see nothing to shield a kid’s eyes from in that avatar. It’s not raunchy or pornographic. At most, it’s mildly suggestive. .[/quote]

Okay mildly suggestive I’ll bend for but it’s still IMO bordering on pornographic. I don’t exerise like that, not with a smile on my face or in my panties. Hell, I don’t even have jugs that big :noway: :fume: Besides anyone with jugs that big in reality ain’t smiling for real, as from what I hear, it’s more a pain in the arse for their back. :laughing:

You don’t know me, mate. Don’t go there. I don’t think it wrong to let a kid see someone clothed and exercising. She’s not doing anything a kid’s big sister wouldn’t… But to counter: if you think your BJ, Jack-off avatar is appropriate for your students to be viewing, I’m glad you don’t work with me. :smiley: If I have to explain to you how a sexually explicit gesture is much more troubling than the site of a clothed woman’s body exercising, well, I’ll just repeat it’s good I don’t work with you.

BTW, I never view Forumosa from work, anyway.[/quote]

So by that same logic…any thread with the :wanker: smiley should be labled NSFW?

A red herring but, if it were up to me, that emoticon wouldn’t be available. Not because it’s explicit, but because it’s often used in flames.

[quote=“Mordeth”]Hmm, I’ve seen it said in this thread that it will stop. And I was personally told that the bouncy avatar guy would be asked to remove it about a week ago. But it’s still there: forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopic.php?t=50108

I’d not read this thread and had not recieved any PM’s so thought my avatar was broken this morning and reinstated it. I’ve since had a very polite PM from admin and removed it.

My opinion is that such a happy girl should be allowed to bounce and we would have all become tired of them bouncing in a short time. I was starting to get bounce lethargy and only kept it up because of her lovely smile.

Oh well…

I can understand the limits thing and not stretching them, she should have worn a sports bra.