An interesting web site for an overview of the military situation of the ROCN vs PLAN.
[quote]This site’s mission is to document and analyze the relative capabilities between the major combatants of the Republic of China Navy (ROCN), and the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), in and around the Taiwan Straits.
The comparisons considers at large ROCN vessels compared against corresponding PLAN vessels from the South and East Sea Fleets, and also includes US Naval units from the U.S. 7th Fleet that would most likely be involved in the event of US intervention.
The analysis weights the relative capabilities of all units and ranks the relative strength, both for the case of direct ROCN vs PLAN conflict, and in the event of US intervention by either a SAG supported by SSNs, or a CSG supported by SSNs, and based on that intervention coming in relation to the US Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, passed by the US Congress, which Presidents of the United States since that time have affirmed, meaning that although one nation and one capital of China is recognized by the United States, no forced, military reunification of the two China’s is acceptable. Reunification must come about peacefully.
Use the links above to navigate the site. Note that many pages on this site are pictorial intensive and will load slowly on any dial-up connection.[/quote]
Not surprising, China can invade Taiwan a few times over before it needs to start building.
Lets have our local Pro-China and Pro-KMT group continue convincing us that Taiwan needs less arms and doesn’t need to defend herself.
Meanwhile added with CCTang’s previous remark that Taiwan will pay and pay dearly, we should all feel comforted in raising our arms in surrender and getting shot anyway like the fleeting Tibetans.
But Sir, we really don’t need any more guns and threatenting things if we are just going to surrrender our lily-white asses to the big boy next door. I mean, doesn’t he deserve us? I, for one, am really looking forward to bending over for the greater glory of the special glorious Chinese Communist Party and all the true culture and history of our magnificent China that it represents.
Shrimpcrackers having never served in the ROC military clearly doesn’t understand the garbage US sells Taiwan. Nor does he understand that the maintaince plan for the US equipment ROC purchases is also sorely lacking, due to cost saving measures.
To TI supporters they think headlines with the words “billions” and “arms” is security enough.
[quote=“ac_dropout”]Shrimpcrackers having never served in the ROC military clearly doesn’t understand the garbage US sells Taiwan. Nor does he understand that the maintaince plan for the US equipment ROC purchases is also sorely lacking, due to savingcost measures.[/quote]ac_dropout -
Please provide specific examples of the “garbage US sells Taiwan” and the examples of how “the maintaince plan for the US equipment ROC purchases is also sorely lacking, due to savingcost measures.”
Until you do this your post is severely lacking in credibility and reflects nothing but your rectocranial insertion tendencies.
For the mis-informed: Please go read Janes, FAS or If you do so ,you’ll find that the Kidd class is one step below Aegis, and given the conditions in Taiwan, may be better. If you can’t manage a Kidd class, then Aegis is out of the question.
It just so happens that that my neighbor down south was head of the navy yard in KHH. He just spend the last 2yrs with his team in the US training to maintain the Kidds and preparing all of the required parts / facilities in the navy yard. Also been trained in the US in ASW and anti-mine warfare. A rather bright young guy. I expect he will go far in the ROCN.
Uncle Sam is unquestionably happy that their junks left unsold, had finally found a willing buyer from a third world country, barely capable of operating 26 years old boats. Happy ending.
Uncle Sam is unquestionably happy that their junks left unsold, had finally found a willing buyer from a third world country, barely capable of operating 26 years old boats. Happy ending.
I’m not sure whether to be excited that beebee finally admits that Taiwan is a country or that his understanding of Taiwan has been proven to be so off considering he thinks Taiwan is even close to a third world country.
On second thought, Taiwan is close to a third world country; its less than 150 miles away from China.
[quote=“ShrimpCrackers”]I’m not sure whether to be excited that beebee finally admits that Taiwan is a country or that his understanding of Taiwan has been proven to be so off considering he thinks Taiwan is even close to a third world country.
On second thought, Taiwan is close to a third world country; its less than 150 miles away from China.[/quote]
Frankly somehow I always have some ‘tender’ spot for you, Shrimp (as well as mr boogie and TainanCowboy). If your untapped ‘talent’ and ‘skill set’ can further be developed and harnessed to find a peaceful solution to the cross-straits relationship, it will help to minimise unnecessary conflict as well as maximise economic growth and prosperity on both sides. Otherwise it’s more or less quite a waste.
Yes, you are right. Taiwan is definitely not a third world country but it’s currently administered by a third class government. Understandable that we should never discriminate against your fellow cousins (if you’r a Chinese) next door when the tide is right against you at this moment.
Uncle Sam is unquestionably happy that their junks left unsold, had finally found a willing buyer from a third world country, barely capable of operating 26 years old boats. Happy ending.
Okay. You be the expert. PLAN certainly hasn’t made and second hand naval purchases either…or have they?
What is the mainland’s plan after attacking Taiwan?
Do they have a plan to rebuild after invasion?
The USA sure as shit didn’t in Iraq and look how we’re (I’m Amerikan) fucking this thing up and had the happy locals who once supported us now turn on us.
And sorry to say it Bucky but we’re light years ahead of the Sleeping Dragon with its squat toilets, oxen led carts and charcoal burning peasants–and we still really suck.
Good luck painting the east red-and could you PLEASE pave the roads properly.