Flat Earthers’ Claims Incomprehensibly Small Compared to these Scientists’

The Universe may be flat.

I think Brian Cox talked about this on QI a few years ago. It’s pretty mind boggling.

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The theory isnt the annoying part, its the ignorance in their certainty that gets them nowhere. The flat universe thing is pretty a pretty interesting idea!

Such a flashy headline and they conclude with

However, this research still doesn’t give us 100% concrete evidence. It just favors one model over the other. There is still a lot more we need to learn before we can fully understand the creation and expansion of our universe.

Makes me wonder if the editor did actually read the article :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


How can the universe be flat and have trillions (or more) of round objects in it?

The round objects are in a single plane.

it’s not that kind of flatness: it’s a question of whether space is curved in on itself or not (flat).

it’s still 3D, any which way, but do the ends of the universe curve to touch each other, or is a straight line never going to touch back on itself somewhere (at infinite distances)


Ah I see. Thanks for that

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Dis guy so dum innit?

Those editors love the flashy headlines!

Give him a break, it’s a bloody difficult concept! Theoretical physics is full of really weird stuff like that.


the paper published in Physical Review Letters starts off nice and gentle…


have a gander at the abstract:

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