Floppy Disks in Japan

It seems that Japan still relies on various versions of the Floppy Disk - 1900 Government procedures still need them.


Lots of countries governments still rely on floppy disks.

Even the USA some nuclear systems still use them until a couple years ago or maybe still use them on legacy systems.

Floppies are great! The airgap keeps them relatively secure.


Makes you wonder how many still rely on the FAX machine. A few years ago now, in Australia, I had to complete a form and FAX it back to the Department concerned. They said it was more reliable than something attached to an email and would not accept it being returned in that way - it was either the FAX or snail mail. But of course it was still ok for them to communicate to me via Email with documents attached.

Wondering just where the hell am I supposed to find a bloody FAX machine to use, I gave up and decided on the snail mail option, and when I went in to the Post Office to buy a stamp, what do I see while waiting my turn - a sign that says they can send and receive a FAX!! They told me it even got regular use for much the same reason - many Government departments were still stuck in the dark ages.


There are websites where you can send faxes. Even free ones

What’s impressive is that this shit still works, 50 years later. There are people on youtube booting up bits of hardware from the Apollo programme. I don’t think I’ve had a modern bit of kit last more that 3-4 years.

In before someone makes a “Apollo stuff wasn’t made in Taiwan” remark.

Apollo hardware likely stored in anti-static, dust-less environments

Modern kit likely stored in bodily waste products. Dust being yesterday’s face n all

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Presumably those nuclear launch systems are exposed to all sorts of crap though. I’m sure thy get top-notch maintenance, but it’s still impressive.