Food inflation, local trend or worldwide?

Near my home in Central Kaoshuing you can find mango trees growing in the streets or even at schools. They is a Mango tree near here on side of Minzu road, I thought oh free mango a few months ago with the flowers, but as it got bigger I saw them covered with paper bags haha. As far Mangos and Pingtung, yes good ones and I miss the Mango statue in from of Fangliao Station .


Haha, gramma beat ya to it!


Maybe, looks like got cover for Mangos from a farmer though. Going the the Hypermarts , seems some inflation as I am spending more. With Carrefour maybe leaving, not a good sign and have go to RT as they still have french items from their Franco partner AuChan.


I generally prefer rt over Carrefour.

Are they leaving? Right after buying other supermarket chains here? How come?

See the Carrrefour thread(s) for details. The discussion/speculation is over there.


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Thank you!

And inflation seems to continue. A strong Taiwan does help to keep in down though.

Vegetables at the wholesale markets are more recently, but fruit is about the same.

My friggin’ beer is more expensive to buy now.

Green vegies, like spinach, baicai, 35 NTD a bunch. Samples taken from two traditional markets in Taipei, this morning.

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Usually it’s three bunches for 50.

Start buying local. The government issued monkey piss is still 25/can and supporting local jobs.

Edit. Does anyone ever check the wholesale lsitings? They are updated frequently and show average prices in the main wholesale markets in taiwan for the most common foods. not retail, wholesale. Its good to see those trends so you can judge how badly you are gettig gouged by retail outlets.

Cabbage 170 NT$! :scream:

Fried chicken and tempula 90NT$, 25% more expensive than before.

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I went to Costco today and a lot of the regular fruit and vegetables I normally see were not there. There were fewer of the ones that were there too.

The frozen vegetables were also restricted. Two bags per customer. What’s going on?

Edit. Just saw that this thread isn’t for Taipei.
Just wanted to say that the price increases must be because there must be a supply problem.

I saw a half cabbage for 95 ntd or so. Insane. Also I couldn’t even get banana dessert in Qishan recently (heavy rains I guess ).

Massive flooding in South Taiwan wiped out a lot of food production.


I guess all the cabbages stored in cooling are an excellent investment now.

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They dont last as long as you may think. The sad part is the cabbage farms unnaffected by SW taiwans seasonal temporary floods are the mountian slope farms which deforest and cause quite a lot of chemical run off if not out right landslides. I could go one for ages about the flooding in SW taiwan as i have spent many years there in agriculture, but there is probably no point unless people are interested or have questions.

Ideally the customer should just learn to mature their education on food in regards to supply logistics and buy seasonally rather than the usual " i must have everything, in Taiwan, from anywhere one earth for dirt cheap prices, or else!" Attitude. and this attitude is global…which explains many of the worlds environmnetal problems. Meanwhile said idiots complain about companies and governments without ANY action in their own household. Ironic. A lot of problems would be solved if this entilement were to go the way of the dodo. But it wont, until its too late, government knee jerk ensues, people go stur crazy due to said “oppressions” of freedoms, and repeat until we see either a war, civil war or a reset.

In the end, i only hope i can store enough popcorn (and painkillers) to watch this idiocy unfold before our eyes :slight_smile:

/motivational pep talk haha.


Transport worldwide is problem recently, and prices for transport higher so maybe they import less.


The dollar is inflating due to money printing which means other currencies are also inflating…therefore higher prices!

The New Taiwan Dollar is stronger not weaker?

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