Foreign guys and Taiwanese women

Now all this about barn swallows is a bit unfair, I say. Let’s just say I was a barn swallow, I’d definitely be the one who could build the nest and collect the worms, but like hell I have a long tail. Am I therefore doomed to be cheated on for the rest of my life?! :cry: :wink: Come to think of it, my last gf cheated on me with my best friend, and I reckon his tail’s pretty long… but he’s a useless fuck.

Oh, and Spack, I’ve had a similar thing happen to me. It is, as hexuan said, merely sour grapes. There’s plenty of Taiwanese guys who’d love to have a relationship with a western girl. Now why is it that we don’t see so much of that…? :smiley:

most foreigners are rejects ( that means they cant get a girlfriend of any race ) from there home country…and approximately 0.001 of any population have ppl that are rejects either physically or psychology or emotionally…so looks like the foreigners have most of them… according to sandman … 10000 / 12000000 = 0.0008

All woman who are stable in those areas and are sane…would not chose a foreigner …lol

[quote=“handsome”]most foreigners are rejects ( that means they cant get a girlfriend of any race ) from there home country…and approximately 0.001 of any population have ppl that are rejects either physically or psychology or emotionally…so looks like the foreigners have most of them… according to sandman … 10000 / 12000000 = 0.0008

All woman who are stable in those areas and are sane…would not chose a foreigner …lol[/quote]

Well, we foreigners are obviously doing something right, i.e. annoying simpletons like you. (although this entire thread is not much of an advertisement for foreign men in Taiwan… :frowning: )

[quote=“handsome”]most foreigners are rejects ( that means they cant get a girlfriend of any race ) from there home country…and approximately 0.001 of any population have ppl that are rejects either physically or psychology or emotionally…so looks like the foreigners have most of them… according to sandman … 10000 / 12000000 = 0.0008

All woman who are stable in those areas and are sane…would not chose a foreigner …lol[/quote]

Did you pull these numbers out of thin air? :unamused:

[quote=“handsome”]approximately 0.001 of any population have ppl that are rejects either physically or psychology or emotionally…so looks like the foreigners have most of them… according to sandman … 10000 / 12000000 = 0.0008

And one of the local rejects posted here. :smiling_imp:

Foreigners are always prefered, Its ego. Taiwanese women prefer foreigners, same with women of all societies. Why women! Men prefer foreign women. I dont know any foreign man here without a Taiwanese girlfriend. Ok maybe I know one, but he’s constantly complaining that he shouldnt have come down with his girlfriend.
From tealit to segue, Its been said again and again that taiwanese girls are easy, I think Taiwanese are saying foreigners are easy. Foreigners are jewels in the eyes of natives. I think its only natural. Ask a south African what it is to date a chinese girl. Its Whao! you’re dating a chinese girl!

I always thought it was interesting that the same white guys who knock their fellow white guys for dating girls from other parts of the world are the same ones who secretly get jealous of them for finding such great ladies.

I’ll come right out and say two things: 1) I’m a nerd. 2) There are more attractive women “in my league” outside my home USA than inside. I’m cool with that. I’m not ashamed to be a nerd – nerds make money. We’re pretty chill and peaceful. We live long and happy lives so long as we have plenty of books, computer programs, and art rock to sustain us. Women from other cultures have a lot to teach, especially about tolerance and patience with people who are different. Plus, multiracial kids are more worldly and often quite good looking.

Go ahead, handsome, think of yourself as 10 times more a man than me. Happy are those who have no taste for male power games – they’re evolving. Go ahead, Taiwanese rednecks, be a dick to me when you see me and my girlfriend together. I’m sure some wonderful subservient lass from Indonesia or Vietnam will someday make you the happiest guy to ever chew a betel nut.

HERE HERE DAVE~~well said. Couldn’t agree more!

Nerds of the world unite!

Sorry to post it … my bad … i quess u guys can’t handle the truth just yet…

LOL! No keep posting, you’re hilarious !


[quote] I was at a party once chatting with an American girl and a German guy. The guy asked me “Hey, do you like Asian women?” I hesitated and then said “Well I have a Chinese girlfriend” and pointed to her, “so I would have to say ‘Yes’.” The American lass then rolled her eyes and walked away. It seems that for some people it is a crime to admit a preference for the appearance off a particular race.

It’s not a crime when asked and there should be no guilt involved, but when it becomes something that you’re proud of and often discuss with your friends it does tend to lose something, because you’re imposing a sort of consumer-option lifestyle onto the world around you and people with the right “look” become options, something you prefer. Most people consider this a freedom - the freedom to say, “There’s no way I would ever go to bed with that!” because you know what gets you hard and you go after it. The American girl probably walked away because you generalized your girlfriend as Chinese, then (gasp) Asian. Women hate guys that think this way: "I like Asian girls. I like Chinese girls because they’re Asian. I like this Chinese girl. I want her to be my girlfriend … ( insert Beavis & Butthead laughter). Pointing to your girlfriend probably didn’t help either - impersonal. But the German’s question was more offensive. Just refuse to answer someone that is trying to pidgeonhole your personality dumnut!

The unsupported truth about a purely subjective issue, presented in a marginally literate manner. Yep, can’t handle it.

let’s not rule out the possibility of some local women seeing foreign men as walking passports…just a way to leave Taiwan for a “better” life… not to say that those of you that have Taiwanese girlfriends are all being duped, but it might answer that question that you ask yourselves: How could this wonderful, beautiful woman like ME?!

Of course, the prospect of being stuck in Taiwan with a Taiwanese husband that will most likely cheat on you with random KTV girls or spent money supporting his mistress(es), while you take care of his children, the house, his family, AND possibly work full-time is not a very appealing life…so why not go with a foreigner instead? Couldn’t be any worse, right?

There are a couple of ways to look at the preference thing. One is that there are so many Taiwanese women in the 40 and under generation who never marry. To me this indicates that there is a “preference gap” between local men and women. The same thing is happening in Japan, although I read a sociologist who argues that this is a phenomenon related to late marriage. Which is also occurring here.

If relations between Taiwanese men and Taiwanese women are so normal, why is there so much prostitution here? When I was in Taipei at the heyday of the boom, the police released an estimate showing that there were over 200,000 prostitutes in Taipei alone. Compare that with figures for the US:

The enormous figure for prostitutes, the high divorce rates, what does that signal to you? What does the widespread phenomen of second wives in China signal to you? The traffic in foreign wives: … /22/176628
One in every 8.8 marriages here involves a foreigner. Contrary to what the article says, the divorce rate for these marriages is lower than average. I read that analytical error as the usual slam at people foreign.

Food for thought. The “preference” for foreigners may well be related to their being foreign, but it may also have other, complex roots.


Define “foreigner”. 1 in 8.8 marriages ? So are they including mainland brides and mail orders from SE Asia ?

Yes, anything without ROC citizenship.

I think most foreign long-termers know a few females not married yet. Among my wife’s friends and old class mates, only two are married :shock: They are all in their thirties, so fertility might be an issue for them soon.

Remember the campaigns they ran in Singapore to encourage university-educated women to accept men without diplomas? This in response to falling marriage rates and childbirths due to many women holding out for a mate her intellectual equal.

Is this the reason for the mailorder bride boom?

I can just imagine the Taiwanese equivalent ad campaign…

Sure, many of my Taiwanese female friends view marriage as an unenticing prospect. Of the local guys I know, most of them view cheating as a given. I know two guys out of a group of a hundred or so who don’t cheat, or so they say.

I’m not passing judgment, just stating a fact as a possible explanation for the appeal of a foreign man. Perhaps he won’t cheat like every man they know. Maybe he will. It might be worth a try anyway, they think.

Other possible considerations: He probably won’t ask the woman to take care of his mother. He might view sex as a mutually pleasurable activity rather than a right he obtains by marriage. He might be willing to accept a female as an independent, autonomous, intelligent being rather than someone who cleans the house, takes care of the kids, pays the household bills with her own earnings, and who only speaks when spoken to.

I am not saying that all Taiwanese men suck. I have male Taiwanese friends who do not hold oppressive attitudes toward women, but many of my Taiwanese female friends perceive this pool of “golden bachelors” to be small at best. So they hold out, maybe consider dating the forbidden fruit and dealing with Mom and Dad’s objections.
