Hi, I also posted this at ParentPages, so I’m sorry if some of you read both.
I’m interested in hearing stories and general experience, good or bad, of foreign kids going to public school in Taiwan. We are considering sending our 5 year old son to local school next year (my husband and I are both American), but don’t know a lot of foreigners who have done this. I know a lot of the arguments for and against, I am just wanting to know what your KID’s experience is - what is it like for a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed kid to go to a Taiwan public school?
We are thinking he would just go to local school for 2 years or so, then transfer into TAS or move back to the U.S.
He is currently in a kindergarten where Mandarin is spoken the whole school day, so I’m not as worried about his language as I am about socialization. There are a lot of foreign kids at his kindergarten and he mostly socializes with them.
Also, I don’t know much about the curriculum for a 6 year old in public school here. What should I expect?
He would go to one of the elementary schools in Tienmu, so if anybody has any experience with these schools, all the better! Thanks!