You might of had me with the argument that you get in an accident have a moment of panic and flee the scene. I also agree that while you can say that nobody knows what they would do in the heat of the moment what I can say is this. If I was in this situation and left the scene in a panic I know for damn certain I would be turning myself in and taking responsibility once the initial panic subsided. What this guy DID do was cold and calculating. He attempted to destroy evidence of his involvment and get out of the country. I also don’t buy the argument that a prexisting ticket is indication that he didn’t intend to flee. One could argue that it may have been an incentive to try to avoid responsibility for long enough to make it to the departure date.
If it turns out that the scooter driver, who I don’t really belive was the sole provider for the family, was at fault or partly so, it just makes this guys actions that much more tragic for him. By trying to destroy the evidence and get away with this he has ensured himself a hell of a lot more trouble.