Foreigners living in Taiwan who don't learn the language

Foreigner who don’t speak Chinese are keepin it falkin real, and they rock! They’re not sell out pussies like those Jungwen shuo’n mafackers!

no seriously, I have learned Chinese to the end of Shida’s book 1 (24 chapters-enough for me, I work from home and deal strictly with people in other countries, Chinese is USELESS for my job), and now that I understand what everyone is talking about it pisses me off because people ramble on about such nonsense. I also end up in a bunch of conversations that I wish I was never in. Yeah I get it, everything is fucking cute, and commenting on how things appear is paramount to any form of deeper thought.

Now of course I am speaking in jest and I am keenly aware that it is better for EVERYONE to learn Chinese then to not, but I must say there IS a downside.

I also hate the dorky foreigners who cheese it up in Jungwen with the local xiaojies. Its okay to rap to a fine hunny, but have some self-respect man, honestly, do you gotta go full on cutesy mode? Faggot’s got no game and is dropping the same gay ass nonesense the locals do to score points on the ke-ai tip. Pathetic! I think all foreigners should make it our common mission to slap those people till they leave. I also can’t stand the foreigner who drops Jungwen gems to other foreigners (I’ll slap that third tone out your mouth boy!).

The worst thing about speaking Chinese in TW is that as soon as the locals get wind you know what is going on, they go into full Taiwanese mode. gali-gong gali-gong adogah adogah!

this post is a piss take, please take it as such