Foreigners Nabbed For Vandalism (Public Graffiti Art)

On the other hand, down by the riverside bike paths in Songshan, I’ve seen some interesting graffiti that should qualify as art, sprayed on the supporting structure for a highway, I didn’t mind looking at it at all and even appreciated some of the work and was somewhat disappointed when the city painted over all of it. I was even more disappointed when it was replaced by further amateur efforts, that are much cruder, less talented, less artistic and less appealing.

I realize some might jump on that to say “oh, so good grafitti art is ok and bad grafitti art is not ok? Isn’t that subjective? Therefore you’re opinion is unfair to perfectly talented artists whom you just don’t happen to care for.”

And I would wholeheartedly disagree with that. It’s not JUST a matter of talent, though that is PART of the issue in my mind. I think most people would be less offended by graffiti if it were all done by artists as talented as Banksy.

Check out the below one from the Israel-Palestine wall.

More Banksy here:

Clearly, those are art and they’re amusing and provocative. Even just a stylishly done name can be artistic. But the mere fact that one takes a can of spray paint and marks up a wall DOESN’T make it art or worthy of protection.

Admittedly, the line between art and non-art can be hard to tell at times, as Banksy indicates below.

But just because it’s hard to draw a line, doesn’t mean one can’t try.

In any event, often or usually with respect to graffiti, the more important issue is where it’s done. Would it be ok to tag the front door of a courthouse or a schoolhouse or your house that you just purchased? Of course not. Which is why I suggested the underside of bridges and highways might be a more appropriate place. And perhaps if one is more talented, as with Banksy, it might even be acceptable to move into more viewable PUBLIC places.

Of course it’s always vandalism and if the authorities bust you for it, too bad – do the crime, pay the time. And if you commit vandalism on someone else’s private property and they paint over it and/or get angry about it, don’t be surprised. How would you like it if some talentless teenage moron tagged YOUR house with an ugly rendition of his name?