Foreigners sent home in the event of a Chinese invasion?

I fail to see the link between these two pictures and your statement.

Well, it is a bit to show the current duplicity in he Oval Office and how it will need a push to make it to the finish line. Moreover, see it like a response to comments upstairs regarding China’s capacity to hack into our vital systems, plus the way the big game is unfolding, in which US will not come to Taiwan’s aid. It has bigger fish to fry.

This is probably not the thread for this but people put way too much emphasis on what Trump does. He’s enjoying all the attention. No one seems to remember that America, like most democracies, has a trias politica model.

I don’t really see how our position is any more precarious today than say a decade ago, when the AIT has practically been upgraded to amongst the most high-profile American diplomatic missions in the world earlier this year (isn’t it the most expensive one now? At least one of the most expensive ones. And it’s like many times larger by size and area than the US embassy in Tokyo. Why would they do that to a non-embassy if they are intending to ditch this non-country?) and when the Parliament has been sending various friendly signals like that bill and that other bill.

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Expensive just means a lot of hands were buttered. And I cannot trust a country in the hands of a leadership that labels and persecuted its own people, and keeps on bullying to make others buy its poisons and weapons of destruction, not to mention the growing danger of another civil war…just to keep business going. Rampant capitalism is led by profit and if the option of war or dropping Taiwan is there, the choice will be which is more profitable for them. That is being realistic.

This is how it is handled by the German government for their citizens:

You have a right to be evacuated in an emergency!

You can register at a government site if you reside in another country. You give them address of home and work, also phone numbers. Register every person that should be covered. They will contact you in case of emergency and ask if you want to GTFO.

Registration is not required but helps organizing planning and a quick evacuation. Otherwise you have to contact the government and ask for an evacuation.

In an event of emergency the government will organize an evacuation of it’s citizens.
After evacuation you are expected to cover the costs.

Usually it is a charted commercial flight which has special permission to leave the area of conflict. If required the German military will assist.

Hilfe in Krisensituationen und bei Evakuierungen
Die Reisehinweise und Reisewarnungen des Auswärtigen Amts informieren auch ßber politische, soziale und Ükologische Unwägbarkeiten. Sollten im Urlaubsland politische Unruhen oder gar ein Bßrgerkrieg ausbrechen oder Naturkatastrophen das Land heimsuchen, rät das Auswärtige Amt allen im Land befindlichen Touristen dringend an, mit der nächsten Auslandsvertretung Verbindung aufzunehmen, ihren Aufenthaltsort bekannt zu geben und Hinweise der Botschaften oder Konsulate genau zu beachten. Wenn alle anderen Kommunikationsmittel ausfallen sollten, versucht das Auswärtige Amt, gefährdete deutsche StaatsangehÜrige ßber nationale und internationale Radiosender zu erreichen.

Bei einer eventuellen Evakuierung von Deutschen aus einer gefährlichen oder gar lebensbedrohlichen Situation hat die Rettung der Gefährdeten oberste Priorität. Aufgrund geltender zwingender Rechtsvorschriften mßssen die Kosten der Evakuierung später von den Empfängern der Hilfe zurßckgefordert werden.

Dem Auswärtigen Amt ist bekannt, dass diese Pflicht zur Erstattung - wie sie übrigens auch von den meisten anderen westlichen Staaten nach Evakuierungen von ihren Bürgern gefordert wird - bei Betroffenen gelegentlich auf Unverständnis stößt. Die weitaus meisten Deutschen, die durch eine Evakuierungsaktion aus dem Ausland zurückgeholt wurden, haben jedoch Verständnis dafür gezeigt, dass die hierfür entstandenen Kosten nicht vom Steuerzahler übernommen werden können.

It gives peace of mind that in an emergency, when all flights are booked out and chaos reigns, you still can get out with your family.


We can move to the mountains and grow some pot(herbs) … chill!

What? What? EU doesn’t count?

Ha! Pay or Stay!

They ask you to cover the costs afterwards, not before evacuation.

Maybe, but it’s really big by area. I don’t see why they would get a place that big (five times the size of their embassy in Tokyo, arguably their most important ally in the region) if they don’t have any important purpose.

It’s not about trust. It’s about using each other.

It’s obviously going to be a major intelligence gathering station for the region.

Well that certainly sounds like something the US would install on an island right before they ditch it.


The US has new policy few years back r any US Embassy or similar would be totally different more strategic and protected and safe. That is why the new Embassy in Taipei is as it is.

Intelligence gathering in Taiwan not quite as important and it could be tracked back to the US facility AIT.

Intelligence-gathering on China is done in other places.

That’s the impression the alphabet agencies want to create, but they don’t pass up opportunities to set up listening posts. And with cyber heating up, this probably won’t just be a passive operation.

Of course every US Embassy has their internal activities. And so does every other country that wants to in every other country in the world.

That news story is blah. Soon as they said a few streets you can tell it’s crap. It’s at least 50 streets away or like 8K, which really isn’t important anyway. The old AIT location was basically the same distance.

Of course the story is crap…it’s in a Taiwanese newspaper after all, and the real information isn’t publicly available. It’s just an illustration that speculation is rampant, and for good reason.

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My cousin said when he was growing up, he would do anything to make sure the ROC flag was still standing.

Now, we got this Taiwan/ROC thingy, and it’s really confusing. Taiwan has an identity crisis.

In contrast, I grew up in the states. My parents sent me to Taiwanese camp when I was 16 and I first learned about Taiwanese independence. Although I wondered why my parents waited this long to tell me about it, afterwards I was all in on Taiwan.

Taiwan’s existence is important for my identity

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How about the country where you grew up?