Foreigners sent home in the event of a Chinese invasion?

Of course the USA is #1. Needs no cultivation, no defense. I work for the US government, for goodness sake.

Studies have shown though, groups that do better lose their edge after a generation or two, so ethnic identity is important.

So you believe that maintaining your Taiwanese ethnic identity will help you keep your “edge”? I’m not trying to be critical…just curious.

It’s also interesting that most attempts by Caucasians (WASPs anyway) to maintain their ethnic identity are seen in a negative light.

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The one in the ol country is humongous, and we ain’t no spy center. Heck, it is 10 times bigger than Neihu.

I think it is mostly paperwork, safety features, maybe some spy work, but mostly bureacracy…and no few greased palms.

At least a CIA station, and maybe an NSA listening post

I don’t really think this is true. Where I grew up in the US there are a lot of people proud of their Irish or Italian heritage, in the Midwest there’s lots of carrying on of German traditions, and when I lived in Seattle I could easily see the Norwegian and Swedish heritage in certain neighborhoods, which a lot of people were proud of.

It never seemed to me that attempts to maintain the ethnic identities that originated in white, European countries were seen in a negative light.

In fact I think these ethnic traditions give a lot of character to the cities & regions where they are concentrated, just the same as Asian, Middle Eastern or African traditions bring something to other cities & regions.

Now, any sort of emphasis on “white power” or “white nationalism” or anything derived from Nazism, eugenics, etc., is rightly seen as the fringe nonsense that it is.


Now thats funny :slight_smile:

Irish Americans…Italian Americans…Bit of a stretch there.

Probably the embassy was designed to be super secure after 911. Anti bombing, blast proof all that stuff. Then probably inside is a cia operation proofed against cyber intrusion .
Maybe a tunnel that goes direct to Beijing too.

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That’s why I put in the WASP disclaimer…I was referring to a white identity in general. Where I come from, it’s fine talking about black consciousness (black is beautiful, etc.) or La Raza, but if you start talking about any kind of white identity not tied to a specific European ethnic heritage, you’ll be accused of being a “white supremacist” or worse. But I grew up in the world capital of liberal white guilt, so of course your mileage may vary.

Exactly, and the tunnel to Beijing doesn’t seem to be a secret.

I’ll have a look next time I go to ask for a visa and count how many guard towers they have.

We still win in wall thickness though.

In case of an invasion, I am thinking of running a last minute contest to see which local meimei should be registered as a family member to be evacuated :thinking::grin:

If China invades we need to get the mods to a safe house so they can keep modding in peace. I presume we’re hosted offshore so the Flob will remain up.


Ugh no? The US embassy in Managua is merely 1.2 hectares by area. The one in Neihu is 6.5 hectares. That’s quite a difference.

That’s because of the history of slavery. Not a lot of black people in the US know their exact heritage. Most white people do.

Of course, that’s changing these days with cheap ancestry testing. But black Americans have not had the luxury of generations of clear ethnic identity tied to a specific country of origin, the way white, Hispanic, and Asian Americans have.

Take my family–on both my maternal and paternal side, the most recent immigrants came to the US more than 100 years ago. That’s ancient history… I don’t know those people. But we still know where they came from: Austria and Scotland, mostly. In fact, we are going on a family trip to visit my great grandmother’s village in Austria this summer, and I remember my grandfather wearing a kilt once despite the fact he himself was several generations removed from Scotland.

If I was black, we’d have no idea of any of that.

Thus, an identity around simply being “black” rose up over the past few generations, and the black history, black is beautiful stuff all goes along with that.


Not managua dear, though I am surprised it is that small. And I mean the building itself. it is a humongous massive complex. Not just the surrounding mountains of empty space, which is there for security reasons.

One thing I have a question is do they have a culture center, the USIS related stuff here? I am not sure, never seen their publications here.

Ethnic Koreans are known to be model minorities in China, and ethnic Chinese are known to be model minorities in Korea. I don’t know how you can explain that unless being a minority conveys some sort of psychological advantage (in spite of the institutional disadvantages we face).

Italians are Irish are known to be the hardest-working groups in the USA. As my Italian-American roommate once told me, they’re rivals over who built America.

WASPs have historically been the dominant group in the USA, so they’re not that special, so to speak.

Excellent response. Thank you.

Check out @theboltreport’s Tweet:

Really depressing.

I’m sure you can find a tweet that is completely the opposite. never heard of that guy anyway. relax and just prepare a simplified chinese banner you can unfurl from your balcony if/when it happens. :slight_smile: