Foreigners Who Don't Acknowledge Other Foreigners on the Street

[Moderator’s note: this is a continuation of [url=Foreigner Syndrome DISCUSSION[/url]]

I couldn’t tell if you were white, black, or purple with green stripes. I write on here with people who have similar experiences. Some of those people are Asian. Some are not. However, unlike being out on the street, I don’t judge whether or not we have something in common by glancing at the color of their skin. I can read about our similarities right here.

I think it’s “sad” that you fail to see the difference between a more-or-less faceless bulletin board and racial profiling on the street.

There are plenty of posts about foreigners complaining about being stared at by locals because their skin color makes them stand out. I find it ironic that these same people turn around and bitch about not being greeted by other foreigners who ignore their skin color.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I walk down the street to get from Point A to Point B. Not to make friends or be somebody’s welcoming party.

Would it make you feel better if I walked up to you and said, “I see you’re white/black so we must be having the same experiences here. I am obligated to say hello to you because of this. Hello.”?