Is ‘Formosa Betrayed’ still available to buy anywhere, or should I just print it off Cranky’s site?
Is ‘Formosa Betrayed’ still available to buy anywhere, or should I just print it off Cranky’s site?
Thanks Blueface, but I was hoping for maybe somewhere in Taipei, and for considerably less than $US150 :?
[quote=“Bu Lai En”]Is ‘Formosa Betrayed’ still available to buy anywhere, or should I just print it off Cranky’s site?
I’ve got it in Chinese.
For some reason, it (the English original) is available in a lot of public libraries in the UK…er…should you happen to be going there.
You can get the online version here:
It’s the only place I was successfully able to view it. If you cannot get it to come up send me a private message with your email address and I’ll send you the 1.1meg .pdf file. Though you should have no problem getting it from that site.
Thinking back on it…I seem to recall there being a copy at the Eslite store at the corner of Jen Ai and Tun Hwa. It was in the Interior Design/Architecture section. For some reason they have a couple of shelves of “rare books” located there. No idea about price.
BTW, you ought to check out:
Does anyone know what’s happening with Mayor Hu’s plans for the Guggenheim in Taichung?
I want ti in English, in paper form, for less than $150, it’s not at Eslite, and I don’t really see wha the Guggenheim has to do with it
Thanks for your efforts though everybody. I’ll just print it off.
[quote=“JeffG”]You can get the online version here:
It’s the only place I was successfully able to view it.[/quote]
Did you have problems with the version on my site?
I didn’t. Just trouble with my fucking useless piece of shit computer
cranky laowai,
No, actually I didn’t know you had it on your site also until after I reread Bu Lai En 's original post where he said he would download it from your site… I guess my reading ability is deteriorating…
[quote=“cranky laowai”]
Did you have problems with the version on my site?[/quote]
I can’t seem to download the PDF version, or is it just me?
The PDF version is not on my site. I see that the file has been moved since I made that page. Try here:
Yep, got it. Thanks very much,