Forum Moderation

This is the thread for people wishing to vent about religion (generally or specifically), in any way, shape, or form. If you vent gratuitously in another thread, and your vent is offtopic, your post will be moved here. This is not the place to debate the merits of any such venting, nor is it the place for defenses against the content of posts in this thread. This thread is not for debate. It is for people who have the need to say ‘religion sucks’ (for whatever reason, or for no reason at all), to do so to their heart’s content.[/quote]

Luckily we have someone as non-judgemental as you to decide if a rail against the religulous is gratuitous. Hey, Mod rhymes with so many words, doesn’t it?

Toe, the whole POINT of having moderators is for them to be judgmental. This is not a free-for-all. They decide what flies and what doesn’t. And show a little respect, please. Moderators put up with all kinds of bullshit as it is - an old-timer like you doesn’t need to pile on with derision and sarcasm. It’s not cricket. If you have something to say, say it politely and be constructive. Don’t be sarcastic, condescending, patronizing, sardonic, etc. Be nice.

Secondly, feedback doesn’t belong in this forum. It belongs in the Feedback forum, which is where I’m splitting it off to.

Should not such a mercurial forum benefit from a non-sectarian mod?

What’s the relationship between mercurial (changeable, volatile) and the religious beliefs (or lack of them) of a moderator? I have never asked a potential moderator what their religion was. There are more important qualities to look for in a good moderator.

[quote=“Toe Save”]Hey, Mod rhymes with so many words, doesn’t it?[/quote]Tripod? :ponder:







Gravedigging from an Admin. My psychic powers tell me that a resurrection is impending.
