Forumosa: clique or community

on my soapbox:
i have noticed that reactions to posts often times depends on who the OP is, ie, one person says somthing he/she gets jumped on, another person says the same thing and it’s okay. i think when we do that we are in danger of being a clic. i say “we” being aware of the possibilty that if forumosa has become a clic, i may not even be one of the “ins”.
though most folks are great on here, i would hope that we will avoid “clic-ism”. everybody is somebody.
not everybody can say everything in a palatable way. i’m good a poetry, but expressing myself in daily conversation i get tongue tied. i often just pick the fastest way to say it,(which is not always the PC way) and i’m sure most people are the same.
all of us need to move out of our comfort zone and embrace the diversity in the foriegn community.some topics are uncomfortable, but i think the very fact that we have left our home countries indicates that we are broadminded and can accept everyone.

okay off my soap box.

ps; i feel very accepted here. just speaking for newcomers.

I see a very open community. Sure, there are a few surly curmudgeons, but I don’t see anything clique-like about it. Everyone is welcome, as long as they play by the rules.

Of course. That’s how real life works too. If a friend of mine say something stupid, I chide him more gently than if a known jerk says it. Repeat offenders in a court of law get harsher treatment than upstanding citizens with no record, too. That’s the way it should be, and that’s not the same as a clique. :wink:

[quote=“Dragonbones”]I see a very open community. Sure, there are a few surly curmudgeons, but I don’t see anything clique-like about it. Everyone is welcome, as long as they play by the rules.

Of course. That’s how real life works too. If a friend of mine say something stupid, I chide him more gently than if a known jerk says it. Repeat offenders in a court of law get harsher treatment than upstanding citizens with no record, too. That’s the way it should be, and that’s not the same as a clique. :wink:[/quote]

Wise words, Sir Dragonbones … couldn’t have said it better myself … couldn’t have done it at all … :slight_smile:

Those who are in a clique here deny this site is cliquey. Those who are not in a clique, can see the cliques. Talk about funny!

Some folks here are in more than one clique.

It’s open, but there are cliques. That’s undeniable. mirrors life. So why wouldn’t there be cliques?

American Heritage Dictionary: [quote]A small exclusive group of friends or associates.[/quote]

If it’s open, then it’s not exclusive. These are opposites. Heck, even formerly banned members have later been allowed to join the moderators’ circle after becoming model citizens for a while. That’s not cliquish at all.

American Heritage Dictionary: [quote]A small exclusive group of friends or associates.[/quote]

If it’s open, then it’s not exclusive. These are opposites. Heck, even formerly banned members have later been allowed to join the moderators’ circle after becoming model citizens for a while. That’s not cliquish at all.[/quote]

A clique can still exist within an open group. In Friends, Joey and Chandler are in a clique…

I am in a clique within So it must be true. Although after the clique reads this, they might expel me. :smiley: (first emoticon for AGES.)

I think clique behaviour is natural, and inevitable. Some f.commers you will like more than others, and so cliques will naturally form. Just like a beautiful breast. But I digress. Or is that regress?

Now I must go and tell the clique about this!

And if you pm me and ask “Am I in your clique, the answer is NON.”

a clique is a living thing ergo it can change.

Someone who wasn’t in a clique before, now is in. Or…a member of the clique decides to leave or is removed from the clique.

Just because there is a flow of who is in a clique or not, doesn’t mean to say cliques doesn’t exist.

The OP was talking about whether Forumosa IS a clique, not whether there might not be small groups of friends or cliques within it. A clique is exclusive. My response is that Forumosa is not exclusive, it is open. Whether there are small, exclusive friendship circles formed within it doesn’t seem relevant to the OP.

Fair enough.

Fair enough.[/quote]
Well yeah, if is a clique by that reckoning, then so is the whole world.

It could be worth getting op to clarify if he was referring to a clique, or cliques plural.

Fair enough.[/quote]
Well yeah, if is a clique by that reckoning, then so is the whole world.

Those bastards. :raspberry:

Yeah, but, as usual, the OP’s head is somewhere between being unfocused and halfway up his arse, he’s questioning whether a poster on F’mosa is one of the "in"s or not, so, despite his clumsily worded post title (which DB has chosen to address, accurately, as far as it goes), what he really means is to question whether there is/are select cliques within Forumosa, the answer to which is obviously a resounding Yes to any but the most thoroughly obfuscated commentators…

Go ahead and flame me now.

What are you guys talking about? I’ve got you all on ignore. I’m my own damn clique.

I’ve been trying to get in a clique for years but those fuckers won’t let me. Fuckers. I’ll show them. Just you wait.
Me and Irishstu are in a clique but he doesn’t know it.

I don’t care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.

Groucho Marx

okay to clarify:

do some cliques WITHIN forumosa control and prevent debate and discussion thru indimidation tactics such as flaming and attacking?

that there are cliques is inevitable and human. that cliques amass for themselves control is preventable.


So I was right all along.
yes there are cliques. No, you don’t have to be intimidated by them. Yes, they will try and intimidate you.


So I was right all along.
yes there are cliques. No, you don’t have to be intimidated by them. Yes, they will try and intimidate you.[/quote]

And no, none of them want you to join them…

[quote=“theposter”]okay to clarify:

do some cliques WITHIN forumosa control and prevent debate and discussion thru indimidation tactics such as flaming and attacking?

that there are cliques is inevitable and human. that cliques amass for themselves control is preventable.[/quote]

Are you saying that like-minded people are part of a clique??

I do not believe there is any effort by any group of people to shut down debate or discussion.

Sorry, I forgot these " ". :blush:
