Forumosa Happy Hour at Yuma, Thursday, November 13, 8:00

Will you have any heroin?

I can’t wait to try one of those stone oven baked calzones.

I’ll be there, and I’ll be taking notes from Dragonbones in exchange for cash. (He knows what it means.)

And I found your goodies, so I can bring them, yes sirree!

I’ll be the tall, dark, handsome one.

Anyone going early?

Well, it certainly was a pleasure to meet Prof. Jerome Keating at the happy hour tonight!

Sorry couldn’t make it, something came up. Tempo Gain: I’ll treat you to a hit next time. :hungry:

Stayed in?

I’m not going out tonight.

What a great night! Just got back. Tomorrow morning is going to be a struggle!

Next time JP :slight_smile:

It was educational, even if no one knew who Neil Stephenson was:)

Ow my head. :doh:

It is tomorrow and I am struggling… But a seriously good night!

Nice to catch up with so many cool people again. And irishstu.

Yeah, Irishstu was going on about ‘some crazy guy on forumosa said SYS Memorial hall exit is closer’ so when I went home I took the Dunhua rd exit. If it was closer, it was really hard to tell. Of course, I had been drinking.