Forumosa is the glass bead game

I usually only post in here when I’m drinking, but not sure where else to put this

I looked at Forumosa on my phone, and hit my own profile, where I noticed the top of the dharma wheel lines up in an interesting way with the dude in my header pic. And while that might seem inappropriate, if you have spent much time in Tibetan temples you may have seen something like this before!

You might need to zoom in to see the little guys…

Coincidence? Or karmic? Or what?

@mad_masala, can I expect you to reciprocally like these, or what?

I thought this thread was gonna be about Benoit beads.

what do you think the last post is for, can’t you see them?

:joy: My eye site ain’t what it used to be

all the beads

Bababoooey for the tantra


I’ve got the 'Mosa on my phone now. Home Internet is down and I’m gunning for the 365 days badge. This is probably a bad idea…

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Probably marginally better than being impaled by that dharma wheel…

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Ah the badge of bad habits.


@superking, i wonder if you get this reference and see how it applies?

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@TT I believe we are all playing our own version of the glass bead game. Every one of us has a set of rules and connections in our heads and we tighten or loosen them as we interact with the world.

I had therapy last year for anxiety and stress and had to dig deep into my own game to figure out where my connections were clashing. Everything I say makes perfect sense to me, because I have defined everything by myself, for myself. It’s only when I interact with other people, who have their own made up rule book, that problems occur.

I guess I’m starting to see life more like a game. I’m luckily getting to play the game, ‘life on earth,’ and you only get one go. Jumanji, but for real!


one thing that is different is here we play with other people, making connections that others can see and appreciate

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This is definitely an interesting playground. I’ve left my thoughts and emotions and personal history all over this site for years. And it’s definitely helped me to adjust the rules of the game I’m playing. I couldn’t pick you out of a line up of two people, buddy, but boy do I appreciate being able to read and think about what you write and how I respond to it. Just enough salt on the dish. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

“The world just reflects your own feelings back at you.” Joe Rogan. :upside_down_face:

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Get a room.

The Simpsons. Fighting hellcats.

We are in one. “Feel free to toss yourself into the mix.” J. Peterman.

I’m reading ‘The Alvaro Method’ currently. I’m gonna out glass bead you mutherfeckers.

combo posts about socks and tennis get bonus points

In the year of the water tiger? Absolute doddle.

I’ve been assigned to coteach Algebra and business math which necessitated a lot of catching up. I now can see exponential functions, equal and un, in my head. I recently used the words “culture” and “equity” in an email to supervisors who walked into our class, and was rewarded with a complementary pellet of administrative gush. Where my glass bead at, yo?

Hence likes and badges here on the Flob, and why i think this is more the game than real life is

You should do it in every email.