Found another illegal dump site

Another illegal trash dump site

Watch the video and enjoy the music …

You’ve got to call the EPA and get a file/complaint number. They will probably just ignore your emails. Once you’ve got a file number they have to respond. It also helps if you offer to show them where it is. I did that in Muzha a few times.

Got to meet the Taiwanese Ghaddafi that way. No kidding. The guy was a dead ringer, sunglasses and wild hair and all. Nice enough fellow but he sure didn’t look like an EPA guy.

MM, I sent already several e-mails about two weeks ago and no response, e-mails with pictures …

Sorry ignore my response on your post … my bad, read over the sentence too fast … so, I should call them? In english?

Actually, I don’t understand why they put an e-mail complained address on their web site when they are obviously ignoring it …


If you want to see a shameful dump, take a drive our to the west coast very near Dayuan. There is a new coastal expressway, the 61, and from pylon 179 to about 186 is access to a mile long stretch of beach. It’s a really beautiful spot, except for the worst dumping I have ever seen, anywhere. Even so, it’s one of my favourite places to take the dog or go and stroll along a fairly deserted beach. So much potential for a slice of paradise…

[quote=“belgian pie”]MM, I sent already several e-mails about two weeks ago and no response, e-mails with pictures …

Sorry ignore my response on your post … my bad, read over the sentence too fast … so, I should call them? In english?[/quote]

I remember Battery9 called the EPA and was given an english-speaking agent to deal with her neighbors trash problem. I got my wife to call for me, but I met the guys when they came to Muzha.

As for the email thing, they probably have to have that, but ignore it as they get enough work from phone calls.

That wasn’t me…I just went on a filth photography session. Forumosanfilth. I love your videos belgianpie!

Well thank you … it’s a try to get in the movie directorship … :laughing: no, I just want to learn videography and editing … never done it befor a week or two ago … it’s fun … if I only had more cd’s, better music … and maybe a better cam in the future, now I do it with my digital Fuji S9500, basically a still cam … with video possiblity …

Anyways, back to trash … I’ll probably try to get around and film some more dump sites and other events … :slight_smile:

There are these GROWN-ups if I can call them that…playing soldier games up in Hsintien mountain…they leave thousands of plastic bullets all over the place. I spoke to them on Saturday, they looked at the ground and said sorry.

I was like…IM STILL HERE MORON…I’m not going to go away…and sorry isn’t going to cut it. Want to get them on film next time…

BP -
Excellent vid’s. And great soundtracks.
I look forward to more.
Great job.

Instead of starting a new thread I’m adding this here. Here’s a video posted on IG about yet another disgusting and saddening illegal dump site, this one in Hsinchu, in Qionglin Township near Xinpu. :rage:

I’ve posted it on my Facebook page. It may not help, but I feel at least spreading this may help make people more aware.

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There are «news groups» on FB that would love that stuff.