Freagin' Amazing Scansnap Fujitsu Scanner

Never cared about scanners, but found this amazing little scanner (with some recommendations from friends) that does almost everything for you. Double sided color, fast, high resolution, OCR, automatic key words, etc. Another life changer like iPad and Mac.

Can drop almost anything into it in any shape, size, or mixed up fashion and it handles the job well. It will scan the files into many formats and has good OCR. It will automatically recognize highlighted words on a page and identify those words as key words making retrieval even easier.

I drop my receipts and important documents in daily and then trash them. The quality is so good that I’ve scanned hundreds of old pictures and then trashed the originals. I have fully transitioned my Mandarin language learning books, lessons, etc. onto the iPad by converting to digital with this scanner.

I’ve had one for a month or so. Best thing since sliced bread. I make e-books with it by cutting up old paperbacks, when there’s no digital edition available. The pages feed right through without a hitch. I’ve also done a number of dictionaries. The only problem is getting over the guilty feelings involved with cutting up a book, even one that I have been planning to get rid of anyway. That’s a very strong taboo.

I’m on my second Scansnap now. They’re very good at what they do.

Unfortunately, they cost about twice as much in Taiwan as they do overseas – or at least that was the case the last time I priced one. So this is something to consider picking up on a trip abroad.

They also come with Adobe Acrobat, which is nice to have.

Prizes are really in twice higher… so it’s better to follow you advice if want not to overpay :2cents:

I scanned my library of something like 10,000 books with my Scansnap, and it still works.

Awesome machine. … -25190598/