ViVa Los ChiHuaHuas…!
…I stay on thees couch…
ViVa Los ChiHuaHuas…!
…I stay on thees couch…
I have homed two chihuahuas in the past couple years. One of them was blind and missing an eye. I found her a home, but it took 6 months and a miracle. Be patient. There is a demand for these dogs, and there are people who want mature dogs, not pups. You just have to keep trying. Go out of your usual circle and tell everyone who will listen. Keep photos (happy ones, not humiliated-because-I-have-to-wear-an-outfit ones) on your cell phone and whip it out to show the cleaners at work, the formosans at HappyHour, the cook at the breakfast shop - everyone who is fool enough to give you the time of day. Tell everyone whose eyes so much as twinkle when they see you walking the little thing that it is a rescue looking for a home. I may annoy the hell out of people, but damn, they then surprise me and come to me for the dogs.
I just gotta really keep under my personal limit. And no puppies. They lower the quality of my life WAAY too much.
Good luck!
[quote=“bababa”][quote=“Icon”][quote=“einstein84”][quote=“Icon”]At least we are not doing this:
At least this dog looks happy, which is more than I can say for the chihuahua in the pink bunny ears.[/quote]
He is with his master. He could be hanging from a thread on top of 101 that he’ll be happy as a clam. As long as he has a master.
bababa if you feel so bad for the Chihuahua then stop complaining about it and adopt him!
I would, but I’m in Malaysia right now.
The SPCA asks NT$2,500 minimum adoption fee for a dog, but NT$3,500 for purebreds, and that includes everything a responsible owner would need to do anyway: neuter op, vaccinations, microchip, deflea, and deworm.
If anyone baulks at that, then they’ve failed the adoption interview.
Having said that, if the animal is going to someone trusted, and has issues, you could consider asking less or nothing, but agree that all those responsibilities would be taken care of (though you would really have to know the other people are genuine).[/quote]
Why is the adoption fee for purebreds more? A dog is a dog, right?
And a purebred is a purebred. They are always in greater demand, are still a bargain compared to buying in a store, and the additional $$$ helps rescue more dogs, purebred or not.