Free food / food bank

Is a passport supposed to be acceptable id to withdrawal cash? If not, good practice, if so, wtf.

There’s a nervous smile thing with many Asians in uncomfortable situations. I wouldn’t assume they were joyful because of a big smile.


This is Taiwan, application of the law is flexible and inconsistent. Starting from police to judges where every judge interprets laws differently. So even if you do illegal stuff, many times you can get without consequences (if police catch you doing it), mostly with apologies. On other side if someone reports you, than definitely you are in trouble. Recent example: doctor in TaiDa accepted to deliver baby from high risk pregnancy. He explained to parents what could happen. Baby didn’t survive, there was no malpractice. Parents sue doctor and judge rules that doctor has to pay loosed profit that those parents will get from child.


My word as a gentleman should be enough. Haven’t you ever heard of negative averment?

While you may be correct about the letter of the law… what we are annoyed about, is the fact that these jumped up Dilberts were clearly enjoying themselves as they denied Whitey access to his funds.

One minute you’re walking along in a SE Asian wonderland… then you lose your wallet, and suddenly its Bladerunner. Most of us are only two ir three cards away from a Children of Men scene.

And yes, I think a UK passport is plenty fine to withdraw money.

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to get money out of a bank account? :laughing: :laughing:

what’s policy?

To allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hinderance…

Banks have laws to follow, those laws are set in stone.

If you lost your ATM card and want to report it lost/stolen and have a replacement made on the spot, you can certainly do that at the bank provided you have the required ID and all that (I believe 2 forms of ID is generally required to get replacement). Normally to do a direct withdraw they require your bank book, which if you have lost, you can report it lost and have a replacement made on the spot as well, but it does cost a little money to do so.

How would you feel if someone just went and stole your chop and ID or whatever and cleaned out your account? Procedures exist for a reason and “your word as a gentleman” isn’t sufficient.

Yes even if the bank teller seen you for the last 20 years, they still must follow procedures. Failing to do so can be a criminal charge.

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I’m still wondering about OP’s lawful status.

You are correct about all matters of Civil law… I don’t doubt your legal expertise.

In fact, I think you are quite brilliant.

However, Admiralty Law functions on presumption of guilt, and tacit consent…

Qui tacet consentire videtur

An uncontested declaration under penalty of perjury is Truth in Law unless challenged.

Some cheap tips

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Ain’t nobody getting criminally charged for a $2000nt withdrawal

might get fired for handing out money to people without proper credentials though.

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The teller was going to do it for me until the manager came around. Then crap hit the fan

This was over a decade ago before all the extreme banking regulations we see today. It was a simpler time when a foreigner could get an account in 30 min without any fuss

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This thread: :popcorn:

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The Philippines is a good option for next time. $90 for a one year, $60 six months multiple entry visa (enter/reenter every two months), $30 for two month single entry, 30 days visa free. You are an American citizen - very easy. Cost of living much cheaper than Taiwan.

Cambodia is not safe, lots of crime, drugs, Chinese human traffickers, and landmines. Also it’s ugly with the worst beaches in Asia. Thailand and Vietnam are both better. But you’re American, Philippines is best option as culture is very similar to Hispanic American culture.

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They still followed village post office laws when I first went to that branch. There was a teller who knew me and my girlfriend, and she’d identify us by eye on the few occasions we had some admin issues.

But then this swanky guy comes from the big city.

I still remember the faux-friendliness he put on. Saying BU HAO YI-SAH, BU HAO YI-SAH, in this booming upper class Taipei accent.

It was like Westworld. ha.

Its not about the withdrawls… its about apparatchik types getting a big kick out of seeing whitey trapped in their web.

They are in this thread, in real time, in writing… doing their best to invoke tenuous grey-area laws against OP to deny them food.

Draw your own conclusions.


What do you know? Have you been to Siem Reap?

Its not easy to get here.

What does safety mean anyway?

Half of you are dying of boredom in Chinese Taipei.

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Yes. Outside of Siem Reap Cambodia is a total shithole. The traffic in Phnom Penh makes Taiwan traffic look comforting. It’s the least developed country in Asia after Laos and New Guinea - makes the Philippines and Indonesia seem wealthy. Most tourists visit Siem Reap and there only for good reason. You get a very misleading impression of Cambodia if that is the only place you visit. Siem Reap is a Potemkin village. The real Cambodia has a standard of living close to much of Africa or Haiti. And a lot of the expats are the total dregs, only there for the drugs and child sex and 50 cent beer - the worst I’ve met in Asia. Go ahead, see Angkor Wat, it’s one of the wonders of the world, but you give the rest of Cambodia a hard pass. Unless you are rich Chinese and want to gamble and smoke meth in Sickville (can’t be bothered to spell the real name, and that’s how everybody calls it anyway).

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You are definitely correct that Siem Reap is a magical enclave in Cambodia. I understand there are problems outside of here.

I have seen those last chance types in the other towns. Can’t really see them here.

I reckon 95% of people I’ve seen are sincere tourists or students. The new airport in Siem Reap has done a lot to block unsavory types, as they have new security protocols.

And you are right the Chinese destroyed Sihanoukville. That is widely known.

I honestly don’t think BaiShaWan is any better than Otres beach. Not cleaner, not nicer, not better people.

Child sex is terrible, and a huge problem all over Asia. The Taiwanese are just better at hiding it.

So you have made some fair points, but your insights are a little extremist and too sweeping. I also think that every problem you mentioned also exists in the Philipines… and I find it odd you gave the whole country a pass.

When did you go anyway? For how long?

Like many in Taipei, I think you believe you live in one of the safest, cleanest, most civilized places in SE Asia. But that is no longer the case. The rest of SE Asia has caught up massively with basic infrastructure over the last 10-15 years.

The Dutchman has just released an article… it could be summarized as “Come to Taipei, we have Restrooms and Wifi”. Im not making this up. Other Forumosans were agreeing with him. The word “special” was used.

Would this Blogpost make you more or less likely to move to Taiwan? - Taiwan / Moving to Taiwan - Forumosa

And what about those Anemic BBQs you guys allow yourselves to eat only once a year?

The rest of SE Asia is cooking out Every Single Day. Huge racks of chicken, duck, whatever. Massive grills, talented village chefs.

One day a year on Moon Festival, Taiwanese people get out those pathetic shoeboxes, and cook tiny slivers of meat in the gutters.

Its a syndrome called Taipeitis. You guys honest to God think the rest of SE Asia is a Mad Max hellhole.

That is not the case any more.

Anyway, thanks for you post. You definitely make a few true points, but in context with the Philipines, I think your comparison is too biased.

I hope OP makes good choices, and Philippines could definitely be a good route for them. Bali would also work… you can live there for about half the price of Taipei if you are out in the villages. Its amazing there. But visa costs are about 60USD per month, which could be prohibitive.

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Cambodia is an absolutely amazing place, probably my favourite country in Asia. Phnom Penh has modernised beyond recognition in the past 10 years. Yes, the Chinese have ruined Siounoukville for the most part, but Koh Rong is still beautiful and less touristy than the nice beaches in Thailand.

As for safety, I’ve never felt unsafe and the people are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I feel Philippines has more of an edge, and the dogs of Thailand scare me more than anything I ever encountered in Cambodia.

TL:DR - Cambodia is a great place!


Sorry for looking up over my spectacles, but are you being serious?

These nuevo aesthetic the lord will provide folks make me shrug. You flew on an expensive airplane to get to Asia and want to live Christopher McCandless’s life, but not by being off the grid, not by being self sufficient, but seemingly by begging and living off the good will of others and hopefully— like close to a nice beach—with no garbage. Garbage is a deal breaker.

Asia has millions of desperately poor people already— what a mockery.

“The world is my parent’s basement.”

OP has no skills that he’s announced, no degree and wants to dump his US passport and start over cuz like freedom! OK. Go right ahead. :roll_eyes:

What are you talking about? Are you drunk?

OP has mentioned several times that visa costs and lengths are a big issue for him/her.

So I was factoring that in. For them.

I work hard, taught English and tons of other skills to corporate students in Zhongxiao Fuxing for 5 years. Kept some students remote. Develop websites for other people, self-taught developer with over 100 repos and four to five thousand codepens, might look for teaching work, and am busy taking COVID actors to the UK small claims court.

Their time to contest ran out today. So I will probably win the case, and get some cash.

And yeah, I am half off the grid, son. I’m vegetarian, so I can buy huge amounts of food for 2-5USD per day in nearly any country.

I started a mint farm in Bali, and am doing the same here.

I never asked for credit from anyone…

I don’t drive a scooter, walk everywhere, and have about 10 musical instruments which I walk around with… I have met tons of people that route. I used to know plenty of people in Danshui boardwalk.

Oh yeah, and I used to clean up trash in the mornings around Tamsui MRT.

So please keep your bizarre “insights” to yourself.

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