Free pornography, a discussion

Full disclosure: when I was a kid I used to steal porno mags from a used bookstore. I was just crazy about them boobies. Yes, stealing is wrong, but I did buy a lot of other books there, and I suppose my dollars kept them solvent for a while.

Later on my buddies and I shared this vast porno horde: a brown bag full of mags and VHS tapes. Our preferred viewing was “Teenage Runaways,” a movie that I now realize is terrible even by porn standards.

Online porn? I’m not going to lie and say I don’t view it from time to time, but having unlimited access to sexual images seems to take the fun and the mystery out of it. I do wonder sometimes about kids carrying around these phones, and being able to look up whatever they want whenever they’re alone.

It’s sure not going anywhere though. The internet wouldn’t really exist in its present form without porn.

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2022 arrived, what’s the future of free Porn?

still only 7 likes on the OP, chances aren’t good for the badge

but with everyone staying at home because of the pandemic, bored, there’s probably lots of free amateur stuff going online!


Free or not doesn’t matter.

More concerning is who has access e.g. adults, children, ages of those who have access, etc.

freely available is a problem based only on age?

The title of thread is “free pornography”.

So I assumed the question concerned…
should it be free or should people have to pay for it.

Pornography problems is a whole other subject I’m not up for discussing at the moment as I’m just sitting home Sunday night listening to jazz and having a glass of white wine :wine_glass:

I assume you see a problem if you are concerned about access :man_shrugging:

The original thread title was just “free pornography” as a clever way to lure in people, who were then expected to like the thread for badge purposes. so far, it has not been very successful, and a mod edited the title on me as well.

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You need to read more posts. Got 3500 to go.

And when you encounter mine, indiscriminately heart them for no reason. @drewC is proving the tough cookie to beat on the Forumosa Leadership Boards.


Ejected through his sunroof? Is he now with God as one of His chosen “overcomers”?

Oh Moses, that’s a LOT

Can’t I just play golf with the owner? Seems to get people far in life without merit in my line of work :rofl:

(Turning playful jokes into embittered resent is my new thing, it’s great and healthy :cactus:)

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It’s actually a fairly easy thing to do. The limit is 10000 over 100 days… so basically 100 a day avg.

You could probably get it done in an hour by reading Funny Political Pictures II. It’s Forumosa’s classiest topic!

It’s free for a reason. To drain energy and testosterone from men. This results in a more sedated public.

Think of the huge amounts of money it must cost to run the main video sites. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were making a loss. But still they stay up.

Someone is paying money to put this stuff out for free.

EDIT: Maybe they are making a ton of money… they claim to be worth a billion dollars. I still think it’s kind of odd that society is flooded with free adult vids.

it’s amazing what lengths men will go to for a little self-gratification

speaking of which, i notice you haven’t liked the first post on the thread…


Just two to go! :love_you_gesture:

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All right then I’ll lick you. :tongue: But you have to lick me back. I’ll bring the maple syrup for me back… no, you’re Canadian aren’t you, so you can bring if yourself. I’ll bring Vegemite and smear it on your tootsies

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You may be interested in what’s going on in the What Song Is This thread…


I do like it. Just not enough to click it.

I wonder what it’d be like if porn disappeared for 6 months.

I weaned myself off it just by googling more arty, softer pics, and now feel better.

Why wouldn’t they be? When you’re Big Tech, you have big data, and selling big data is probably way more profitable than selling ads.

I still think their minute-by-minute bandwidth fees must be exorbitant.

But selling data, that’s a good revenue stream. Didn’t think of that.

But what’s the point of keeping files on people when nearly everyone has seen every video? ha.