Free Range Chickens or Are They?

How so? Taiwan chicken farms are pretty dire. Although its sad as allfuck, its slightly amusing driving by factory caged chickens that are broken and battered that are BRIGHT pink from being sprayed.

I gave up hoping people have any sense of humane behavior left (that word really needs to change based on reality!). We normally ostracize those that have a shred of compassion. but still, I wonder, from the selfishness we exude, why we are OK eating such obvious nastiness.

Came across this recent video about duck and chicken farms in Taiwan:

I don’t think the appaling conditions in the farms is a suprise to most.
It’s sad, that even the activist does not seem to believe in any big improvements in Taiwan: “In Taiwan 85 to 90% of farmers are still raising egg-laying chickens in lattice cages, and that’s why it’s hard to get rid of them.”

Have have to say, on this point I am glad about government interference in the EU.
Battery cages are forbidden and some countries recently forbid cages altogether.
As @Belgian_Pie wrote, there is relatively transparent system to understand the origin of any egg in a supermarket.
While the lowest level (barn) is still ugly, it’s an improvement over the disgrace from the video. (Actually, produced food like pudding or egg noodles may still be made from caged henns’ eggs from outside the EU, so not everything is is happy organic in Europe…).

The amount of organic eggs in Germany has become quite impressive. You can check out their often portable mini farms everywhere. Would be nice if all eggs were produced like this.
With increased size and competition on the organic market, prices also drop. They may still cost twice as much, but should be affordable to many people with around 40 cents or 12 twd per egg.

Meh, the chicken is probably treated better in Germany, and EU in general. Although I doubt it. But did we just conveniently forget that meat and fruit/agriculture industry in EU basically employ migrant workers as modern day slaves?

Happen everywhere in EU. There are news reports and documentaries about it. Police did nothing.

Idk if it’s bs or not but a short search came up with this. Looks like a good start if it is actually enforced, let the market decide.

Have seen a few farms around Pingtung, Kaohsiung and Taitung that are proper free range. Outdoor tree shade, not over crowded like most. They were all meat chickens. Nice to see sometimes.

No idea if this is real but probably fairly understandable and probable.

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Definitely for real. My cousin used to rescue “spent” battery hens. They would bumble around his yard, chortling to themselves, as happy as any other chicken, and looked fat and healthy. They’re pretty resilient creatures. Not that that’s any excuse for treating them like disposable things in the first place.


People are pretty resilient creatures too. see any prisoner of war, jailed slave etc. we can endure too. In my eyes if we are ok with the factory farm, then fuck the Jews under nazi control too. They were just dirty dogs too…according to some.

Just cause something maintains a heartbeat doesnt mean it is right what we do to it :sob: Especially just for a number printed on paper and/or digitally. yuck.

free range can often mean “not individually caged” and caged in a big area but with a similar density rate. the only big difference is they arent stacked 3 dimensional. so there is that “silver lining” of not getting super overheated (as fast) and drenched in the wastage of your neighbours on the floor above.

Someday people will live the knowledge they have already gained. hopefully. In the meantime, massively cruel and massively chemically laced meat for everyone to throw into the bin. dang it. Honestly, bugs seem tastier once we know what a factory chicken is.