Free, reciprocal ad'ng program for family-oriented business

After starting a family here in Taiwan, as part of this new lifestyle, I set up an online business selling imported baby products to local and expat families. This business is not huge, and the audience is quite targeted. Therefore, I have been able to/forced to focus my advertising efforts and keep expenses down whilst reaching the right people. This has worked pretty well for me, and now I am working on the idea of formalising the system of cooperating with other small businesses to help each other advertise.

This idea is not entirely original, and there are some very successful programs running in other countries. However, most are “WAHM” based networks(Work at Home Mom). I want to invite parents who have small businesses that are supporting their families, and aimed at families, to join the Taiwan Parentpack.

It’s really simple. Each business involved prepares some small offer for people who take a parentpack. These offers are put together into a pack, and then each business operator will hand the packs out to their customers at each purchase, or at events they may be running. Customers feel they get something for free, not just advertising info. Some examples of what is in the Parentpack now:

Magnetic bottleopener with co. info
Sample of products, such as baby massage oils, washcloths, teas
Discount vouchers
Free class coupons
Free shipping offer on next purchase online

The criteria for being included are basically your company must be family-friendly, and information needs to be in English and preferably bi-lingual. You must also be able to offer something of “value”, that is, not just a brochure or business card. Finally, you must be willing to send out parentpacks to your own customers or put them at your business so people can take them. I reserve the right to accept or decline companies that want to join.

You can see my very “work-in-progress” website at But the real value is not the site but the actual packs that are distributed. My own first expat event to distribute at is the Community Center’s Spring Bazaar (March 18), where will hand out between 100 and 200 packs.

If you are interested, please send me a PM or email or ask questions here.
