Friday's Game! What's on my monitor?

Are you inquiring regarding the one previously established as comprising only synthetic materials or the other one?[/quote]
Synthetic one.

Are you inquiring regarding the one previously established as comprising only synthetic materials or the other one?[/quote]
Synthetic one.[/quote]

Mayyyyyyybeeee…define “figurine”…

Let’s just assume I’m talking about the synthetic one until I specify otherwise. I’m not in the mood for “RTFR” rigmarole after every question.

Is it made of plastic?

Do you think that smoking them damn cigarettes of yours makes you look “big” or “clever?” Well it does not.

[quote=“jimipresley”]Let’s just assume I’m talking about the synthetic one until I specify otherwise. I’m not in the mood for “RTFR” rigmarole after every question.

Is it made of plastic?[/quote]


Is it a depiction of a fictional character?

Whoa, I like this, now we’re rolling.


Is it a depiction of someone who is dead?

Probably some Tea Party videos…

The non-synthetic thing . . . Does it go well with beer? :ponder:

In fact, yes, but not in the way you think, so don’t go in that direction.

Hon, sorry, I don’t know what that means.
Are they one kind of dirty video?

Anyways, no.

Is one of them a holder or a resting place for things that contain liquids?

Well sir, I’ll tell you.
You wouldn’t want to eat it, HOWEVER, I would submit that its appeal could definitely be enhanced by application of a coolioid or 5…
But technically, no.
Not like Sour Cream ‘n’ Onion Piggy Puffs, for example.

Is one of them a living thing?

Erm, no.

Erm, no.[/quote]

Damn, there goes my very clever nobody-thought-of-this cactus guess.

Erm, no.[/quote]

Damn, there goes my very clever nobody-thought-of-this cactus guess.[/quote]

You still could go with the plastic one as a plastic cactus guess…

Is the plastic thing a ghost toy?

I’m not sure I know what a “ghost toy” is, sorry???