Then please make your rule changes explicit. You should do this in the FAQ (not updated since forever), and imho you should add text like that in Events, where this text is displayed in the header of every thread.
Negative commentary isn’t welcome in the Events Arts & Entertainment forums. You are welcome to post criticism in other appropriate forums. Respectful questions are welcome. If anything seems amiss, please flag the post.
If you refuse to make this change, then please indicate in a thread’s title that you will not tolerate certain opinions to be expressed. It would be very useful if you would indicate in the title what you have in mind, so that we users can avoid personal attacks by you and/or having our comments trashed or moved.
As things stand, it appears that the A&E forum at one time supported open discussion. Going on this sticky still up today, that is. In my opinion, you should update the following text as well.