From Taiwan - Netflix Is Making It Harder to Be a Missionary

The Mormon missionaries seem to do just fine…no TV, no internet, no books, magazines or newspapers, no dating, no cars, no scooters, etc. etc.

If they can manage to do missionary work without Netflix, I suppose others can too.


And, you can get an ARC.

You do know why they become Christians? To spread the word of Amway and other MLM’s!


I can only say that as a new Netflix user , I have a few observations . I have been watching sense8. It seems that whatever your beliefs may be ,and I am absolutely fine with what people do , there is a definite push to include identity narratives in this series . It’s a subtle inclusion of almost every minority possible … 8 people worldwide …, a male gay couple , a transgender living as a lesbian couple , a Korean girl oppressed by father and brother , a virtuous black guy in Africa , an Indian girl being married to someone she dies not love , and a government conspiracy plot :joy:now I have no issue with those individuals or their actions but the narrative that includes all those choices in a small group would not seem indicative of the percentage in the world . 80% of the main characters :thinking: So I mention this to show that Netflix would seem to push back against the majority who may be somewhat indifferent. I just feel it’s the normal now and it may just be that the majority of us are too damned boring to have a tv series :smirk: I think it is somewhat relevant though

I think that’s Hamish innit

What happens when they walk into a bar?

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You mean no white supremacist included , now come on Netflix and get with it

Some do do that here that’s true. However , certainly not true of all and Hanna is correct in that the north coast has a lot of Christians that maybe because of historical reasons and not recent converts though.

Most recent converts are evangelical and do lots of bible studies/readings. I’ve been invited to many.

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That’s true mainly Baptists and pentecostals although I haven’t seen any snake handling here although that maybe because they got even more deadly snakes than rattlers here. :grinning:
“Hands on healing” plenty of it though.

My wife’s family is Aborigine and Christian, and I think a lot of conversions were finding somebody who had pull with Western powers to defend them from Taiwanese incursion.

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I find most Taiwanese, like Chinese, are very practical. The question they always (99.9% of the time) ask themselves is: Is it going to make me more money, or if failing that will it improve my life in some way?

If yes, then everyone in Taiwan instantly becomes Christian, and if no, then “we’ll think about it”.

It’s just how things are here… meaning the temples often use it to their advantage. The donations they get are used for lavish parades, lots of fireworks (that in their mind thinks will improve their luck), and lavish meals with stripper and all that. Basically it’s highly transactional.

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The pretty young girl missionaries from korea seem to be doing alright. If they spoke good mandarin they would own us in a few months. China, pay attention.

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Where are they?

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On the street, like every other honest working gal trying to corrupt a mans soul.

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I need to get out on the streets more.

Bring your ID and some cash. For god, not her.

A lot of older Christians are well off in Taiwan , they operate as a bit of a business networking club. I don’t think they do much charitable work.

The new youth oriented Christian churches do a lot of good stuff for families, I appreciate the many subsidised classes they provide.

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Yea, makes me wonder why so many older Christians are so grumpy with money? Perhaps they aren’t really truly Christian then… I seen a lot of old Christians out there that appears to be very financially well, and let’s just say most Taiwanese buddhist/taoists are far more generous because of the whole karma thing…

And a lot of those youth oriented churches are struggling financially, pretty much paycheck to paycheck.


1 place where Christian churches have sprung up like mushrooms is US’s Chinatowns, Koreatowns, Little Tokyos. The reason has little to do with Jesus. All income is cash. These churches are after the tax status and run other businesses out of their Church. Drive down Atlantic Avenue in Alhambra, CA and you’ll see this. The sermons and approach are also mostly about positive thinking, goal setting, being success in business —- all to make money. Jesus is just a footnote

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