Frost Returns?

What!?! I go away for a couple of months and suddenly Frost is posting again. :astonished: Whoā€™da thunk it?

Next thing you know Tetsuo, Richard M, tash, 914 and the gang will back and it will be just like the good ole days. Stranger things have been known to happen.

Hello lady Erhu.
How is it hanging?

A little to the left at the moment sir Hill. No wait, a little to the right.

So, who let the dogs out?

:banana: I have returned! Thanks for noticing! :smiley: :banana:

Iā€™m still here, has anyone noticed me ?

The Almost a God! How come oneā€™s not aware of your existence. :slight_smile:

Oopsā€¦ u were away Erhu? Welcome back to the ROC :slight_smile:

Its because BFM is more like a comfortable pair of old shoes that you always wear, and people know you for those particular shoes. They are always there, doing their job perfectly, but nobody notices until they disappear.

Or somethingā€¦


Ironically, this is far from a frosty reception.

(thank youā€¦ Iā€™m here all week)

[quote]What!?! I go away for a couple of months[/quote]Erā€¦ who ?

You called? How can I help you?

Who 'er you?

'Er you who too?

Wow, this is fun.

Hi tashā€¦

Its because BFM is more like a comfortable pair of old shoes that you always wear, and people know you for those particular shoes. They are always there, doing their job perfectly, but nobody notices until they disappear.

Or somethingā€¦[/quote]

He should change his name to big fluffy shoes then.

Also, hi Tash.

Iā€™m here all week. Seriously.

Hey! tash isnā€™t the only mysterious one around here, ok?

But thanks for thinking of her. Iā€™ll send her your regards.

[quote=ā€œErwhoā€]Hey! tash isnā€™t the only mysterious one around here, ok?

But thanks for thinking of her. Iā€™ll send her your regards.[/quote]

Tash tash tash. Itā€™s you. It smells of you.

I sense a movement to the temp filesā€¦mmm.

I believe everyone is getting off topic. This thread is about me, mā€™kay?

Sorry man. Iā€™d had you on ignore for so long. Were you gone?