Happy-happy joy-joy
I rent last week-end a Yamaha R1 from a rent shop on Daya road, n120.
I was ranting about the steering angle not suitable for town driving, the heat from the engine and the clunky gearbox (1st-2nd-1st-2nd).
Then I was swearing all the bad words I know in french, english and chinese once I went out of Taichung. This bike is f###ing great. Open the throttle and you’ll know what “engage warp 6” means.
Then I was complaining how sore I felt after 200km of riding that beauty.
That was a great day!
It’s a bit pricey on a taiwanese standard: 4500NT the first rent (join the club) and 2800NT for the next (on a 12 hour basis) but to me it is worth every “kuai”. They don’t have many bikes yet (R1, 900CBR, hayabusa, valkyrie). That’s also an opportunity to try bike you would never bought otherwise.
Oh yeah, you need a taiwanese friend living in taichung as a garantor to join.