Fun things to do when bored in Taiwan

Walk thru your neighbourhood…whistling…

Stick your chopsticks into your rice…and always flip your fish over when eating on a boat…buy some pears and a big knife, then go around offering young couples a half each…

If there is a pregnant woman around…start moving some furniture…

Or ask her to cut some paper for you…

Okay…these may be more mean than fun…


Pick an ROC flag (and its pole) off of Renai Lu on Double Ten’s Day and goose step down the street with it held high.

Let your dog loose in Tigermans neighborhood.

Set up a fortune teller’s booth, anywhere you like, and start telling fortunes.


When you see a bicycle coming from the opposite direction on the sidewalk, kept weaving back and forth so they can’t pass and then when they have to stop to keep from falling, step aside with a grand flourish to let them through.

Use an airhorn to pass pedestrian traffic, especially traffic that walks in twos, threes, or fours arm in arm.

When someone tries to talk to you in English just because you’re a waiguoren, start speaking some made up language (bonus points if you include clicks) using body language to show you don’t understand them. When they turn away, say something in Mandarin.

The old fake sneeze with a hidden sprayer trick is pretty funny on a crowded MRT car…

When the taxi driver asks you, “I just saw an A-Pien with this foreign guy with a huge lan-jiao. Are all foreigners like that?” You reply, “Yes, of course, then wink at him in the rear view mirror.”

Fart anonymously on the bus down from Yangmingshan because it already smells like hot springs anyway.

Eat jio-tsai filled suei-jiao and drink a coke, then burp at people when they are talking to you.

When somone asks you where you are from, say, “Taoyuan”.

That’s mean Bassman, he can’t help coming from Taoyuan

I feel like I’m second-class to all you Taipei people.

Use an umbrella in abrigthly lit restaurant.

Post more nonsense on Forumosa. :stuck_out_tongue:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That’s my kinda fun, Cho!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That’s my kinda fun, Cho!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:[/quote]

It, uh, erm, wasn’t me. I’d never do that. :wink: That Taiwanese flag on my wall was purchased with proper, uh, guanxi.


Explode unexploded bombs

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